We're excited to announce that Module 2: Shadowmantle is now live in Neverwinter! Log in and enter the Dread Ring, the new adventure zone, that will have you face-to-face with Valindra Shadowmantle and her forces inside the new dungeon delve, Valindra's Tower. Which features and changes are new for this content expansion?
- Hunter Ranger playable class: This new class is deadly from afar and has incredible damage capabilities up close as well. Log in and play as one now!
- Hunter Ranger Booster Pack: This pack is now available for purchase in the Zen Market. Get a head start on your new Hunter Ranger!
- Dread Ring Campaign: Enter the Dread Ring and encounter new foes. If you survive, you'll be able to face Valindra Shadowmantle herself.
- Active Companion Bonus System: Each active companion will grant bonuses for your character giving you an extra edge in combat!
- Collections System: Track all of your existing loot and hunt for new loot, including missing set items, with this system.
- New Paragon Paths for existing classes: New skills are now available for existing classes! Which path will you choose? Learn more about it here in part one and part two of our Dev Blogs.
- Artifacts System: This new item type is now added to Neverwinter. These items will become permanent fixtures for your character, and will be able to level up and get more powerful as you advance.
- Sword Coast Adventures (coming very soon!): Send companions out to complete tasks to earn rewards and gain companion experience, all through the Neverwinter Gateway!
- Item Progression System: Read more about changes and improvements to the fusing system in Neverwinter.
Watch our new Module 2: Shadowmantle launch trailer!
Are you excited? You know we are! We can't wait to log in game and explore the Forgotten Realms in Neverwinter. Let us know what you're most excited about on the official Neverwinter forums.
Click here to register for Neverwinter, the Dungeons & Dragons action MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Become a Knight of the Feywild or Hero of the North today with a Feywild Pack or Neverwinter Pack purchase!
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