When we announced the upcoming Module 2 for Neverwinter, Shadowmantle, we were excited to announce a more varied and unique gameplay experience for every player. From the upcoming Dread Ring Campaign to Artifacts to Collections, players will have numerous options to progress through the new Module, earn a variety of new rewards, and further develop their perfect character.
Another way players will be able to make themselves stand out from other adventurers is by exploring new Paragon Paths. When Neverwinter went live, players were able to play fine-tune their play style for each playable class with a select set of powers. With Module 2, Paragon Paths will provide adventurers with new powers to battle with against Valindra Shadowmantle's forces. In this overview, we'll explore the new Paragon Paths and highlight their focus to provide you with additional insight into choosing the right path for you.
Devoted Cleric - Anointed Champion
Paragon Path focus: Having a variety buffs available to increase the effectiveness of you and your allies.
At-will: Blessing of Battle - Slower high damage attack that also buffs nearby allies.
Encounter: Exaltation - Heals both you and your target while buffing attack and defense. Divine mode also adds regeneration and brief invulnerability.
Daily: Anointed Army - Area-of-effect damage around caster, and grants multiple blessings to allies that absorb damage and increase power, but are removed each hit.
Class Feature: Anointed Action - After using a daily power, you temporarily deal increased damage, and reduce incoming damage.
Class Feature: Anointed Armor - Increases Armor Class.
Class Feature: Anointed Holy Symbol - Using encounter powers now grants temporary health to nearby allies.
Feat: Battle Fervor - Blessing of Battle's buff now also increases Power.
Feat: Prestigious Exaltation - Increases duration of Exaltation buff, and your heals are increased while buff is active.
Feat: Ancient Warding - When Anointed Army daily ends, heals allies and grants AP. In addition, Anointed Action lasts longer.
Trickster Rogue - Whisperknife
Paragon Path focus: Adds additional range to attacks and gap-closing options to finish enemies off.
At-will: Disheartening Strike - Throws a mid-range dagger at target's face that reduces their damage towards you.
Encounter: Vengeance's Pursuit - Slashes target, then gains a follow-up power that throws a dagger at the slashed target and roots them. While stealth, throw daggers at a target to gain a follow-up power to dash towards target and perform a powerful slash attack.
Daily: Hateful Knives - Dashes to target and knocks them down, then throws daggers at them on the ground.
Class Feature: Dagger Threat - Ranged dagger attacks deal more damage when you are within 20 feet of your target.
Class Feature: Razor Action - After activating a daily power, fling dagger at targets nearby you.
Class Feature: Advantageous Position - After leaving stealth, you maintain Combat Advantage and take reduced damage from ranged attacks.
Feat: Distracting Knife - Disheartening Strike now increases damage you deal to target, and reduces damage they deal to your allies.
Feat: Seething Knives - After using Hateful Knives daily, regain a portion of your stealth meter and, for a short time, damaging that target restores stealth to you. In addition, Razor Action Class Feature also deals damage over time.
Feat: Determined Pursuit - The dagger throw portion of Vengeance's Pursuit now has a chance to interrupt the target, and melee portion now slows them.
Control Wizard - Master of Flame
Paragon Path focus: Adds additional area-of-effect options and easy access to damage-over-time powers to maintain consistent damage.
At-will: Scorching Burst - Charge up power to increase attack radius and initial damage. Applies a Smolder effect to targets.
Special: Smolder - Deals damage over time. If a cold power is used on the target, then Smolder gains a Rimefire aspect and turns blue. The duration can then be refreshed by additional cold effects.
Encounter: Fanning the Flames - Applies a damage-over-time effect to target that deals additional damage for every nearby target affected with Smolder. With Spell Mastery, it becomes an area-of-effect power that applies the Fanning the Flames debuff to the primary target, and Smolder to secondary targets.
Daily: Furious Immolation - Places a large area-of-effect that deals damage and spirals targets toward the center.
Class Feature: Combustive Action - Your daily powers now apply Smolder effect to affected targets, and those targets briefly take more damage from fire and Smolder effects.
Class Feature: Critical Conflagration - Gain increased Critical Severity, and when you critically hit with Arcane or Cold attacks, add Smolder effect to your target.
Class Feature: Swath of Destruction - Increased Smolder damage and targets affected by Smolder take slightly more damage.
Feat: Twisting Immolation - Adds a brief daze to targets affected by Furious Immolation and Combustive Actions debuff lasts slightly longer.
Feat: Drifting Embers - Targets affected by Fanning the Flames have a chance, when damaged, to spread Smolder to nearby targets.
Feat: Arcane Burst - Each target hit by Scorching Burst has a chance to add a stack of Arcane Mastery.
Great Weapon Fighter - Iron Vanguard
Paragon Path focus: Adds additional control options.
At-will: Threatening Rush - Rushes forward and hits with a shield image, marking nearby targets.
Encounter: Frontline Surge - Knocks enemies back with shield images.
Daily: Indomitable Strike - Knocks target into the air and then knocks them away.
Class Feature: Ferocious Reaction - When you drop below 15% health, you regain health while your enemy is damaged for the amount of health gained and you gain a defense buff.
Class Feature: Trample the Fallen - When a foe is controlled, deal additional damage to it.
Class Feature: Enduring Warrior - When you kill an enemy, you regain a percentage of your max health.
Feat: Reinforced Surge - Frontline Surge now leaves targets prone for longer.
Feat: Improved Reaction - Ferocious Reaction now heals you for a percentage of your total health.
Feat: Battle Trample - Trample the Fallen now increases threat and deals damage.
Guardian Fighter - Swordmaster
Paragon Path focus: Adds additional damage and control options.
At-will: Weapon Master's Strike - Strike foes then quickly strike them again from the opposite direction, lowering their defense against your At-will powers in the process.
Encounter: Flourish - Rapidly attack your target from all directions, briefly stunning them.
Daily: Crescendo - A flurry of flashes followed by an overhead strike from multiple directions.
Class Feature: Steel Blitz - When striking multiple targets, you have a chance to quickly strike them again.
Class Feature: Steel Defense - After using a daily power, you become briefly immune to damage.
Class Feature: Steel Grace - Reduces the duration of control effects.
Feat: Stunning Flourish - Flourish has an extra chance to critically strike your target and also stuns the target on the last hit.
Feat: Staying Power - Weapon Master's Strike now also reduces defense against your encounter powers.
Feat: Grim Promise - Crescendo now temporarily reduces targets' damage against you.
Module 2: Shadowmantle will introduce some of the toughest challenges you'll face in the Forgotten Realms. By choosing a Paragon Path that fits your play style and selecting powers that allow you to adapt to any combat situation, you'll be ready to face any dangers in Neverwinter.
What is your preferred play style? And, how will you use the new Paragon Paths to your advantage? Let us know on the official Neverwinter forums.
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