Upcoming Feature: Active Companion Bonus
By DwightMC January 06, 2014 12:14 AM

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Adventurers, we're excited to announce that Module 2: Shadowmantle will be live on December 5, 2013. With plenty of new features coming to Neverwinter, you'll want to be prepared for the upcoming battle against Valindra Shadowmantle and her forces. One of the new features is the Active Companion Bonus System. Companions in your collection will grant you helpful bonuses to attack, defense, and other vital combat stats. Be sure to expand your companion collection to find the perfect one to match your play style!

What are those bonuses your character could receive? We'll reveal just some of the active bonuses available from companions in Neverwinter:


Rank 4: On attack you have a 3% chance to have lightning strike your target doing 50% weapon damage.


Rank 4: On Resurrection, gain +1000 Defense and +1000 Recovery for 10 seconds.

Vicious Dire Wolf

Rank 4: 5% chance to Interrupt your target.

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Honey Badger

Rank 4: Damage taken reduced by 10% when your HP is less than 35% of max.

Slyblade Kobold

Rank 3: Increases damage against Rooted or Stunned targets by 3%

Rank 4: Increases damage against Rooted or Stunned targets by 5%

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Rank 3: +5% Damage bonus. (affects companion)

Rank 4: +10% Damage bonus. (affects companion)

Portal Hound

Rank 2: +100 Deflect

Rank 3: +190 Deflect

Rank 4: +300 Deflect


Rank 2: 1% of your Max HP healed every second your are Controlled

Rank 3: 1.5% of your Max HP healed every second your are Controlled

Rank 4: 2% of your Max HP healed every second your are Controlled

neverwinter,mmo,mmorpg,action,games,gaming,game,forgotten realms,d&d,dnd,dungeons,dragons,dungeons & dragons,module 2, shadowmantle,active companion bonus

Man at Arms

Rank 1:+25 Defense

Rank 2: +100 Defense

Rank 3: +190 Defense

Rank 4: +300 Defense

Cleric Disciple

Rank 1:+25 Regeneration

Rank 2: +100 Regeneration

Rank 3: +190 Regeneration

Rank 4: +300 Regeneration

Which combat statistics and effects are the most important to you? Let us know on the official Neverwinter forums.

Click here to register for Neverwinter, the Dungeons & Dragons action MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Get a head start in-game by purchasing Neverwinter item packs which include unique companions, mounts, boosts, and exclusive benefits!



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