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Patch Notes for 11/16/23

Автор: Ambassador Kael | Ср 15 ноя 2023 21:03:34

Content and Environment

Defense of the Moondancer

  • Characters should no longer become untargetable when Zoor'lar's cutscene interrupts over watching a scrying orb.
  • The Achievement “Dash: Defense of the Moondancer (Master)” should now correctly unlock when the Trial is completed within 12 minutes.
  • The “I'm the Captain Now (Master)” achievement now only correctly unlocks when Captain Zoor'lar is defeated with at least 3 Lieutenants alive.


Heroic Encounters

  • An invisible collision wall along path to Heroic Encounter area on Asteroid Omomia has been removed.
  • The Heroic Encounter “Rescue Rangers and Pigs in Wildspace” should now reset correctly.


Neverdeath Graveyard

  • Some broken terrain in the Clockwork Tomb in Neverdeath Graveyard has been fixed.



  • The mission “Xaryxian Armada” now requires the intended amount of buzzjewels to complete for a weekly mission.
  • The missions “Xaryxian Armada” and “Stopping the Empire” now no longer go on cooldown if abandoned.
  • The leashing issue and respawn timer for the Avatar of Water used in the quest, “Meeting your Idol” has been fixed.
  • The Kuo-toa on the Asteroid Omomia will no longer aggro on players at extreme distances.
  • A Thoon hulk will should no longer spawn inside of the wall on Asteroid Zar'bos.
  • An issue that prevented the golden path from functioning on some asteroids in wildspace has been fixed.


Combat and Powers

Classes: Barbarian

  • Barbarian Blademaster’s Adamantine Strike can now hit up to 15 targets.


Enemies and Encounters

Defense of the Moondancer

  • Lieutenant Agent now tosses out less Lightning Bombs in the Normal difficulty of the Trial.



  • Boss health and enemy ranks have been lowered in the Light of Xaryxis intro mission “Falling Stars.”


Items and Economy

Defense of the Moondancer

  • Miniature Neutron Cores from the Defense of the Moondancer (Master) trial are now properly capped at 3 per week.



  • Wildspace Doubloon rewards granted by Wildspace Heroic Encounters and Named Enemies are now properly boosted by the Synthetic Astral Seed's passive equip effect.
  • The box containing Alaric's Artillery Beacon now properly reads that it's Bind to Account on Pickup instead of Bind on Equip, to match information from various other in-game sources and reduce potential confusion.



  • Random Queues for Skirmishes and Dungeons now correctly reward Seals of the Dragon.
  • Campaign Special Tasks from Underdark, Menzoberranzan, and Demonweb Pits no longer require seals as part of their cost.


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