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Patch Notes: Version: NW.110.20190411b.9

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Ср 24 апр 2019 18:55:41

Release Notes

Content and Environment


  • Sybella Artis no longer talks over herself when introducing players to Challenge Campaigns at level 80.


  • Piranhas in the water now properly slaughter. (They hurt player characters a whole lot more.)
  • The door to the VIP room of the Moonstone Mask should now be much easier to interact with even with lots of players crowding around it.


Enemies and Encounters

Castle Never

  • Zombies in Castle Never now have less health.


Combat and Powers


  • The levels at which feat tiers are unlocked for Cleric, Fighter, and Paladin now match those of the other classes.


  • The At-Will powers, Guarded Strike and Shield Bash, can now properly be used while blocking.
  • Into the Fray no longer provides massive Action Point gain.
  • Onslaught no longer grants immense Action Points when hitting large numbers of enemies.


  • Paladins now have 10 base Dexterity, increased from 8. This brings their sum total ability scores up to 74, matching other classes.


  • Split Shot no longer incorrectly grants a ton of Action Points even on a minimum charge.


  • Thaumaturge: Storm Pillar no longer grants disproportionate values of Action Points compared to similar powers.


Items and Economy


  • All Artifact Weapons that incorrectly had an item level of 1 now have the expected item levels and damage output.
  • Companions that were duplicated have vanished, and only the highest quality (or highest level, if multiple exist with the same quality) remain.
  • Certain Enchantments and Runestones that had no icon now properly have an icon.


User Interface

Character Sheet

  • The Powers tab and HUD entry for the Character Sheet no longer glow even after players have spent all available points.

Home Page

  • New characters can no longer use the "Return to Protector's Enclave" button if they have not completed the Sleeping Dragon Bridge or Theft of the Crown. This should prevent them from getting into a state where they cannot complete the tutorial.
  • The "New Module" version of the Home Page now goes away when just the Boons and Powers tutorial are completed, rather than also looking for the Companions tutorial.




  • Text for the Italian locale is now nearly up-to-date.


Performance and Stability


  • A crash case has been addressed.


nw-news, nw-launcher, nw-patch-notes,

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