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Elite Refinement Pack & 15% off Refinement!

Par Julia (nitocris83) | jeu. 09 janv. 2020 09:00:00 PST

Greetings Adventurers! The Heroes of Neverwinter unbound companion choice pack has a chance to drop from Elite Refinement Packs this weekend! In addition, all items in the Refinement category are 15% off in the Zen Market!

Refinement promo and sale begin Thursday, January 9 at 10am PT

Refinement promo and sale end Monday, January 13 at 10am PT

This Neverwinter Elite Pack contains a player choice of:

  • Alphonse Knox
  • Sergeant Knox
  • Xuna
  • Makos
  • Celeste

Note: The Elite Refining Pack will be available until January 13. After that date, the Refinement Pack will no longer contain a chance at a companion choice pack.

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