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Announcing Tales of Old: Grand Retelling!

Par Julia (nitocris83) | mer. 09 oct. 2019 14:11:02 PDT

Greetings Storytellers,

Nipsy appreciates all of the wild tales you have told throughout this season. In fact, the stories have been so wonderful that Nipsy will be returning to Protector’s Enclave for one final go-around later this year. That’s right, Tales of Old’s inaugural season will end with an event known as the Grand Retelling! During this event you will be able to tell stories from any of the previous dungeons giving you a chance to acquire riches you may have missed or stories you left untold.

Hmmm, which story to tell?


Did you forget the time you slipped while fighting Chartillifax throwing your sword and, accidently-on-purpose, piercing his hide and vanquishing him? What about that other time you put tacks on Idris’ throne startling her and allowing your party to get the drop on her?  No matter the story, you will get a chance to recount your adventures once again.

The gang’s all here.

A more detailed look into this event will be available later but here is a short breakdown of what is to come:

  • Balance and difficulty improvements
  • Access to all the dungeons from this Season’s Tales of Old
  • Event duration of 2 weeks
  • All items available for purchase
  • New unique titles and achievements

Until next time, thank you for your participation and here is to more grand adventures!


Salim “Silius” Grant
Lead Content Designer


NOTE: For details on the Dread Vault run on Xbox and PS4, please go here.

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