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Star Trek Online

Star Trek: Unleashed! (April Fool's)

Von Ambassador Kael | Mo 01 Apr 2024 09:00:00 PDT

REDWOOD CITY, CALIFORNIA – Cryptic Studios is proud to announce a brand new project this morning. For years, the STO team has had its finger on the pulse of what Star Trek fans really want, including and especially our previous release of “Date My Starship.” Now, we’re taking the next step, by releasing the newest Star Trek video game: Star Trek: Unleashed.

Over years of careful study, we’ve determined that everyone’s favorite parts of the Star Trek mythos are not the ships, the characters, or the drama, but the hand to hand combat! Whether it’s a double axe handle from Kirk, a double axe handle from Kira, or a double axe handle from Riker, Trek fans can’t get enough of the fistcuffs. And that’s why we’re taking the Final Frontier into the format it was always meant for, a 2D fighting game.

Using the most popular characters (and the assets we don’t have to pay for) from Star Trek Online, Star Trek Unleashed will allow players to fight out the dream matches they’ve always wanted to see. And, we put Madran in, so you can beat him up as much as you want. Now, these screen shots are from a very early build, and don’t represent the final product of Star Trek Unleashed, but we wanted you to get a taste as we move into the future. First, take a look at the character select screen – we’re revealing the full launch roster today!

In this screenshot, Madran has attempted to use his “Run Away!” super move, but Kuumaarke was just too fast. Gotta learn those frame perfect counters!

And here, two of our more interesting characters, Gein and Dr. Eric Cooper, demonstrate their unique abilities. We knew Dr. Cooper, especially, was deeply beloved by the community and had to be included.

Of course, it wouldn’t be Star Trek without some ships, we guess, so we’ve added a special “Ship Summon” ability to all of the characters. And I hear you out there: “Can we use our own personal ship or Captain from Star Trek Online?” No. No you can’t. Why would you ask that?

We look forward to showing you more of Star Trek Unleashed in the future, Captains! Get your fight sticks ready!

You do have fight sticks, right? The focus groups said you did.

sto-news, sto-launcher, star-trek-online, sto-xbox, sto-playstation,

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