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Compensation for Content Update Attendance Issue

Von Fero | Do 23 Dez 2021 09:00:00 PST

Compensation for Content Update Attendance Issue

During the recent content update, some character attendance was reset. We understand that this can be very frustrating and we'd like to offer a compensation code to help make up for the lost attendance check-ins.


Code: kfDy1KHP

Expires after: January 9th, 2022

  • Code is redeemable up to once per account.
  • Missed attendance days for November should be used before December ends.
  • All items received in codes are bound to account and cannot be traded.
  • Please make sure you have enough space in your mailbox before redeeming your code.
  • If you are unable to redeem a code right away, please try again in a few minutes as the volume of redeems might be high at that time.


Redeem this code to receive the following:

  • Absence Note x100



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