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Release Notes: 03/20/14

Автор: DwightMC | Чт 20 мар 2014 07:00:00

Patch Notes: NW.14.20140310a.2

Classes and Balance

  • Devoted Cleric: Sunburst: This power when used in divine mode no longer interrupts and knocks creatures and players that are immune to CC effects.

Content and Environment

  • Castle Never has had its exit destination adjusted to match that of other instances.
  • Temple of the Spider: Adjusted collision in this dungeon near the second and final bosses.

Items and Economy

  • A number of companions with feline statures will no longer tilt and look odd when on uneven terrain.
  • Fools’ Crown of Neverwinter now properly has one free appearance change.
  • Tymora's Coin will no longer be stuck in the potion tray while it is off Cooldown.
  • Tymora's coin flipping can no longer be heard anywhere in the map.


  • Adjusted the profanity checking on several additional words to allow for some common words in other languages to no longer be blocked.

User Interface

  • The Tenacity stat can now be searched for in the Auction House with the advanced search filters.

Known Issues

  • Moonshae Druid does not have Power Dice and cannot be used in Sword Coast Adventures.

nw-launcher, nw-patch-notes,

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