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Bonus Rewards When Charging Zen!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Вт 20 июн 2017 10:00:00


It’s time to kick back, relax, and enjoy a Neverwinter Summer! Among the Anniversary festivities, we’re also kicking off the season with a Bonus Rewards Charge Promo!

Rewards promo begins Tuesday, June 20 at 7:30am PT on PC and 10am PT on Console

Rewards promo ends Thursday, July 27 at 7:30am PT on PC and 10am PT on Console

During this event, when you charge Zen you will receive reward points that can be used to purchase items from the rewards shop. The rewards are:




1000 Zen

Calimshan Fashion Set (BoE)

2500 Zen

Blood Ruby

Lockbox Key x3 (BtA)

5000 Zen

Suratuk's Teal Spider (BoE)

7500 Zen

Adventurer's Helper Pack

Companion Helper Pack

10000 Zen

Stronghold Starter Pack

20000 Zen

Runic Back of Holding (BoE)

Coalescent Ward x5

Epic Experience Booster (BtA)


***Rewards can only be claimed once regardless of how much Zen is charged to an account***


Obtaining Rewards:

1. Purchase Zen on the Arc site, Steam, or any other applicable source and get reward points equal to the value of Zen purchased.
2. Go to the Promotion Agent in Protector's Enclave (East of Hall of Justice, near Sgt Knox) and talk to him.
3. You will be presented with the packs you qualify for based on the reward point value you have.
4. Claim one of the packs and that pack goes away from the list.  No other packs are affected.


  • Zen purchased from other players via the Astral Diamond Exchange does not apply.
  • Zen purchased for use with games other than Neverwinter does not apply.
  • Rewards are cumulative – they include the ones from the previous charge tier.
  • Charge Zen and transfer it into your server to receive your Reward Points.
  • Reward Points expire, so be sure to redeem them during the promotional period.
  • You’ll only receive one of each item to be shared in your account.


Calimshan Fashion Set – This brightly colored fashion set will make you stand out in a crowd. For better or worse.


Suratuk’s Teal Spider – Effort and injuries went into painting this spider with teal hues.


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