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Storm King’s Thunder: Sea of Moving Ice is Live

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Вт 17 янв 2017 09:37:08

The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around…

The Sea of Moving Ice brings our story of Storm King’s Thunder to its epic culmination, finishing up the exciting adventures far up into the frozen north.

To recap on our story so far, Artus Cimber has pinpointed the location of the Ring of Winter. It's in Svardborg, the lair of Jarl Storvald in the far north oceans called the Sea of Moving Ice. It seems an impossible task, but with the fate of the world on the line, an attempt must be made to punch through the frost giants' defenses and recover the ancient artifact. This can’t be done alone. You need help. You need allies. You need an army!

Between helping their new allies by freeing them, arming and supplying them with food, you must also work with the Arcane Brotherhood and the Storm King's daughter, Princess Serissa, to forge an alliance against Storvald. The goal: track Jarl Storvald to his lair, breach his defenses, and launch an assault on the stronghold to take back the Ring of Winter.

Go here to read about all the features in this new update and prepare to venture into Storm King’s Thunder: Sea of Moving Ice! 

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