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Developer Blog: Skeletal Lockbox

Par Nitocris | lun. 27 déc. 2021 07:00:00 PST

Death and necrotic energies ravage across Faerûn, with nefarious intentions lurking behind every corner and hidden in every shadow. In this troubled era, heroes with pure heart can turn that very darkness upon itself. The new Skeletal Lockbox arrives on January 11 to PC!

NOTE: The Stealth lockbox will disappear on January 11 on PC.

The Skeletal Lockbox

Strike terror into the hearts of your foes as you sit atop your Dragonbone Golem. Constructed from dragon bones linked together with adamantine wire, the Dragonbone Golem is a menacing mount both in and out of combat. Note: Mythic tooltip displays max possible stats when a player has 10+ Mythic mounts in their stable.

  • Combat Power: Summon your Dragonbone Golem as bones that swirl around you, pulsing damage to a random enemy every second.


If you can conquer the fear of undeath, you’ll find that help can come from even beyond the grave. The new Lich companion has no fear of death, and will follow you into combat against any and all foes.

  • Player Power: Reduces incoming damage.


In addition to these packs, the Skeletal Lockbox will have a chance at rewards such as Refinement items, insignias, mount upgrade tokens, and up to 1000 Tarmalune Trade Bars.


Misa Ganz
Senior Systems Designer

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