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20% off Companions and Glory Boosters, 2x Glory!

Par Andy (StrumSlinger) | jeu. 01 déc. 2016 11:32:05 PST

For all our PvP adventurers, 2x Glory will be turned on this weekend! Even for those who are trying out PvP for the first time, there's no better time than now to start collecting gear. We also have a 20% sale on all Companions and Glory Boosters!

20% sale on Companions and Glory Boosters begins: Thursday, December 1 at 7:30AM PT for PC and 9AM PT for console

20% sale on Companions and Glory Boosters end: Monday, December 5 at 7:30AM PT for PC and 9AM PT for console

For PC, we also have 2x Icewind Dale Currency for the first time ever! If you're having trouble progressing through the campaign, this weekend is for you.

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Profitez de votre statut VIP avec une promotion spéciale réservée aux membres de rang 3 et plus !
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