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Champions Online

Design a Costume, We'll Put It In-Game!

By DwightMC | Thu 03 Apr 2014 07:00:00 AM PDT

This is your chance to make your mark on Champions Online! We’re excited to open up the design room to the Champions community and give someone the chance to create a costume design that will appear in-game. Yes, you heard right: We're going to take a player design and use it as the inspiration for a real costume in-game.

Throughout the next few weeks players can submit their costume design, consisting of a 1) visual component, and 2) a written description. Don’t worry if you’re not an artist, as long as we have something visually to go with, anything will work. Players will post their entries on the forums, and we’ll choose our favorites to feature. Once the submission period ends, we’ll select five finalists and post them for the community to vote on. 

What are we looking for in the designs? We're looking for a complete costume design, much like any costume set you could find in the C-Store. Something that features a multi-part costume set, not just a single costume piece. The C-Store is a great place for inspiration, so head there and check out the current costume sets. 

Players will have five days to vote on ARC and on Facebook. The total number of likes between the two will be the winner. The grand prize winner will be the inspiration for a real costume in Champions Online that will be available on the C-Store. Furthermore, the winner will also receive 3000 ZEN worth of C-Store items and four sets of their costume to hand out.

If your design doesn’t get chosen don’t worry, you won’t go home empty handed. Second and third place winners will receive Action Figures of LordGar and Iris Irregular along with their choice of 2000 ZEN worth of items from the C-Store. Fourth and fifth place winners will also receive Action Figures of LordGar and Iris Irregular, and their choice of 1000 ZEN worth of items from the C-Store. All runner-ups will also receive a previously unseen dev Action Figure!

Here’s the breakdown of the dates:

Submissions Begins: 04/04/14 – 04/21/14

Voting for Finalists on ARC and Facebook: 04/25/14 – 04/28/14

Winners announced: 04/28/14

Please remember that, by submitting a piece of art and a description, you're asserting that you own both -- please don't steal other peoples' ideas. You can certainly draw inspiration, but if you can't honestly claim that you made an idea your own, don't submit it. Additionally, as with all content submitted on the forums for contests, a submission is an agreement that PWE owns and can use the idea, even if the submission didn't win. This condition is necessary for us to create the costume, as it was for us to create the Design-A-Villain winners.

Start thinking of a costume idea now and get ready to post it on the forums starting tomorrow. We’re looking forward to all entries, good luck Champions!

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