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Star Trek Online

Delta Rising Official Launch Date

Von LaughingTrendy | Mi 17 Sep 2014 10:00:00 PDT

I’m proud to announce that Star Trek Online: Delta Rising will be released on October 14, 2014.

We kicked off design and planning for Delta Rising in December of last year, laying out the foundations for the most ambitious update to the game to date.  We started early with the plan to raise the level cap from 50 to 60. This required us to revisit how leveling worked, work out challenge difficulty on opponents, figure out how we would get Mark XIV gear into the game, and how the next tier or starships would work. It has taken most of a year to bring all these pieces together.

But that wasn’t all. We wanted this expansion to take on the Delta Quadrant, and we plotted out the year with Tim Russ playing Tuvok in our well-received stories that opened up the Quadrant. We set the team loose to learn all they could about it by watching 7 years of Star Trek: Voyager episodes, so they would be versed in the species, look, and stories that took place there. And then we worked for more than 6 months bringing all those details to life in new stories that accurately reproduce and extend upon the show.

And finally, we anchored it all with a decision to pursue getting multiple members of the bridge crew of Voyager to reprise their roles in our game. As Star Trek fans ourselves, we’re excited to have Jeri Ryan, Robert Picardo, Ethan Phillips, and Garrett Wang to join their peers in bringing Star Trek to life. These are all fine actors and it’s been a pleasure working with them. Their performances are outstanding and you’re going to love having them be part of the story.

I look forward to seeing you in game in just a few weeks to enjoy the grand story that is Star Trek Online: Delta Rising.


Stephen D’Angelo
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online

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Click here to learn more about Delta Rising, our free-to-play expansion for Star Trek Online. Explore the Delta Quadrant & rediscover the allies & the enemies the Voyager crew made during their exodus from distant space back to Earth & the Federation. Prepare yourself & your crew with an Delta Operations Pack now available for purchase! Click on the logo below to learn more about it.

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