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Star Trek Online

Season 5 Dev Blog #2

Von admin | Mi 30 Nov 2011 20:04:13 PST

Season 5 Going Live

After more than two months of testing on Tribble, Season 5 is ready for release. We plan to bring Season 5 live on Holodeck tomorrow, December 1.

I want to share the gratitude that the whole STO team has for all the help the community has given in testing out the new release during its time on Tribble. All the hours logged playing on the test server gave us a ton of data on how the game plays, and all the feedback on the forums gave us your perspectives on the new content and game changes that were being tested.

For those of you interested in the Tribble playtesting awards (outlined in Dev Blog #17), we will be grabbing a copy of the Tribble character database at the same time that Holodeck is updated. We’ll be using that copy to process the awards for players. We plan to have all the awards granted before December 8.

So what is going to happen to Tribble now? Basically nothing changes in the near future. Tribble will continue to be used for testing as it is. It will stay isolated from Holodeck in terms of C-Store purchases, and won’t be wiped at this time. This will allow us to test some upcoming changes, such as the ground skills revamp. We will continue using RedShirt as the test shard for staging changes to Holodeck, just as we have been for the past two months.

I hope to see you on Holodeck tomorrow, when Season 5 goes live!

Stephen D’Angelo
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online

Season 5 News Dev Blog Index

Link to the forum post


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