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Star Trek Online

Now Available on Steam

Von admin | Di 31 Jan 2012 15:40:04 PST

Full Steam Ahead

Today, Star Trek Online joins the Steam free-to-play games list. Steam and STO have a long history together, with STO’s digital download version being a popular title in Steam’s portfolio of top tier games. We’re happy to continue being part of the Steam community now that STO has moved to F2P.

I can’t help but smile when I imagine all the people using Steam to power their transition from 21st century Earth into the 25th century, where warp engines and anti-matter containment are commonplace technology. But then those of you who follow Star Trek know that it is not about the technology. Star Trek is about people, community, and taking part in something bigger than yourself.

I want to give a big welcome to those of you joining Star Trek Online this week via Steam. You’re joining the game at an exciting time! The month of February starts off with a celebration this weekend for the second anniversary. Following that, you’ll be treated to five weeks of brand new episodes that center around the Dominion and Deep Space Nine. These episodes are a great way for Star Trek fans of all ages to enjoy engaging stories with rich game play in a much-loved shared universe.

No matter how you find your way into the Star Trek universe, I hope you take some time to try out the captain’s chair for yourself. Taking command of a starship and its crew is not for everyone, but it can be fantastically rewarding for those that accept the challenge. Are you ready?


Stephen D’Angelo
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online

Season 5 News Dev Blog Index

Link to the forum post


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