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Star Trek Online

Destination Star Trek Germany – Recap

By Ambassador Kael | Fri 04 May 2018 09:00:00 AM PDT

On Stardate 95935.68, the Star Trek Online Away Team returned from its mission to establish first contact with players and Star Trek fans at Destination Star Trek Germany in Dortmund, Germany. It was an amazing weekend and the entire crew is glad that they got the chance to meet all of you.

We had three panels during the event, showing off Star Trek Online to newcomers, and revealing more details of our upcoming expansion, Victory is Life. Thanks to Aron Eisenberg, and Robert Duncan McNeil, who joined us on Friday, and Chase Masterson, who joined us on Sunday, to speak about the work they’ve done on Victory is Life. You guys made our panels a heck of a good time for everyone involved.

During the weekend we challenged players to compete in the Hodos System Shuttle Race, in the Delta Quadrant. Little did we know what talent we were going to meet during the convention. While Tom Paris challenges every STO player to complete the race in less than 131 seconds, a 12 year old boy from Germany managed to finish the race in 61 seconds!  Try to beat that yourself next time you are in the Delta Quadrant! Fynn, your skills for racing a shuttle through an asteroid field are truly from a different universe!

Thanks to Michael from MixedDimensions, we were also able to showcase the new 3D printed ships at our booth, and many of you took the chance to get your closest look ever at these beautiful collectibles. It one thing to see a picture or see the ships through a glass cabinet, but once we took them out and put them on our desk, cameras were out and visitors were amazed.

Apart from interested Star Trek fans and STO players we frequently had some special visitors at our booth.  Aron Eisenberg and Chase Masterson didn’t want to miss the chance to say hi to the team. But also Alexander Siddig and Max Grodénchik came by and took a look at Star Trek Online and chit chatted with the team.  Robert Duncan McNeil showed up as well, and had we know that Fynn would finish the shuttle race in 61 seconds, we would have put Tom Paris in that shuttle to take on the challenge! Mary Chieffo, Robert O’Reilly, Jeffrey Combs and Vaughn Armstrong said hello as well. So many amazing people and memories were made that weekend, but the true highlight might have been when Ira Steven Behr and David Zappone showed up at the booth to take a close look at what DS9 will become with Victory is Life!

Apart from all the craziness that comes with a convention like Destination Star Trek Germany, one of the biggest highlight for us is always meeting the fans of the game. On Saturday evening, we sat down at Strobels Beer Garden, right between the convention centre and the football (soccer) stadium of Borussia Dortmund. We met with STO players for some trek talk, a beer or two and great conversations. We hope all of you that attended had a great time like we did and all those t-shirts and caps fit.

Thanks for joining us at Destination Star Trek, Captains, and we’ll see you in game! Victory is Life.


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