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Play with the Devs!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | ven 15 giu 2018 17:00:00 PDT

Greetings Adventurers!

Celebrate 5 years of Neverwinter and the upcoming release of Ravenloft on PC with us! Join us on Tuesday, June 19, from 3:30-5pm PT on the PC Preview Server for an afternoon of exploring Barovia, PvP, and general merriment! 

When: Tuesday, June 19, 3:30-5pm PT (when is this for me?)

Where: PC Preview Server

Stream: Catch the event from Producer Terramak's POV on

Looking to become a swarm of bats on Preview? Devs may be handing out this mount for you to try out! Also be on the lookout in our various social channels for giveaways (applicable to the live shard) across all platforms! 

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