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Remnant II

Ritualist Archetype Reveal Trailer

Di Gunfire Games | gio 09 nov 2023 08:55:00 PST

When we announced the first DLC for REMNANT II, The Awakened King, we mentioned the DLC will bring a new Archetype, the Ritualist, and haven’t shared too many details since... 

Well, the time has come for us to share the new trailer revealing the Archetype and everything it’ll have to offer when the new DLC launches on November 14th!  

As a master of pain and suffering, the Ritualist is an excellent archetype to challenge The Awakened King. In REMNANT II: The Awakened King, the Ritualist leverages status effects to punish their foes. 


Below’s a rundown of this unique and deadly Archetype’s abilities:  

Their Prime Perk, “Vile”, makes enemies more susceptible to Status Damage and spreads their statues to nearby enemies upon death.   

Using “Eruption”, the Ritualist detonates nearby enemies and adds insult to injury by dealing bonus damage to those already suffering from Status Effects.  

To thin the herd, unleashing “Miasma” instantly applies Bleeding, Burning, Overloaded, and Corroded to all enemies within range.  

Lastly, “Deathwish” curses the Ritualist themselves. It forgoes standard healing and causes constant health drain but grants a heavy damage buff and substantial lifesteal. 

Where can you find the item you’ll need to unlock this Archetype, you ask? We can’t reveal that! You’ll  need to play the DLC to find out – best of luck, Wanderer! 

For more information on Archetypes, check out the Archetypes Breakdown blog. 

REMNANT II: The Awakened King arrives on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S on November 14, 2023 for $9.99. Fans can purchase the DLC Bundle for $24.99 on November 14 to get The Awakened King DLC and have access to the two additional packs once they are available sometime next year. Those who purchased the Ultimate Edition of REMNANT II will have access to the DLC at no additional cost. 





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