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Spring Break Party – Homestead Competition

By enelimm | Thu 30 Mar 2017 10:00:00 AM PDT


It’s Spring Break and to kick it off, we want to see your Homestead - your home away from home!

Submit your entries for the contest on the Forums, show us what your virtual vacation homes look like in-game and earn some cool prizes!



Start : Thursday 3/30 @ 10:00 AM PT

End : Thursday 4/13 @ 11:59 PM PT



First Place


Rampant Mech Rhino Assembler

Special Title : Party In My Homestead!

x 1 Dull Zenith Skull



Second Place

Special Title : Party In My Homestead!

x 2 Dull Zenith Skull shards



Third Place

Special Title : Party In My Homestead!

x 1 Dull Zenith Skull Shard





Please provide (4) screenshots of your Homestead in the official contest thread! No videos, gifs, animations, or drawings please! All shots must be utilizing in-game content and images must be raw screenshots. This means no photo manipulation which includes but is not limited to : color correction, cropping, using brushes or other photo manipulation tools to enhance, touch up or add elements, pasting elements together, creating collages, adding fonts, shapes or other elements on in or around your screenshot etc. We are looking specifically for in-game screen captures!

Do not create offensive words, symbols, shapes or arrangements. Doing this will disqualify you from the event.

When entering, please list your in-game name, the name of your Homestead (if applicable), your server and a description of your entry. The description must be no longer than 500 words, not including spaces or punctuation.

The screenshots you provide must be of a Homestead you own. You may not enter other peoples’ Homesteads as your own and you may not use another player’s Homestead design as your entry. Doing this will disqualify you from the event.

Once winners have been selected, we will visit your Homestead to verify that your screenshots are of your house, so make sure your permissions are set properly in-game to allow entry.

We will select three winners from each server!


The Judging Criteria is as follows:


Clarity and Quality – All the necessary elements of entry are there and it can be easily discerned that it is a picture of a Homestead. Camera angles are not confusing and the shots are not disorienting or questionable. Entry should make “visual sense” and not haphazardly thrown together collections of items. Description must make sense with the accompanying entry.

Composition – arrangements are placed in a compelling or deliberate way. Shots are framed in a way as to tell a story or invoke a particular feeling to the viewer.

Originality and Creativity – The entry combines elements in a unique way or places arrangements in thought-provoking ways. The entry does not copy off of other entries or from official sources or other competitions in other versions of the game.

There is no specific theme you must follow for this competition, but being festive will definitely help! You may have Screenshots that include players inside your Homestead as well, but we will be judging your image based on the base Homestead design and the Criteria listed above.

Please allow up to two weeks (Business Days only) from the end date of the competition for disbursement of prizes!


Good luck and show us some amazing homes!


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