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Celebrate the Way of the Drow!

Di Nitocris | gio 17 nov 2022 10:00:00 PST

Greetings Adventurers!

As you make your way through the Northdark Reaches, take a moment to rest and learn more about how Neverwinter’s newest module came to be! Design Director Randy Mosiondz and Narrative Director Winter Mullenix sat down with R.A. Salvatore and Geno Salvatore to discuss the collaborative process in bringing Neverwinter: Northdark Reaches to life.

To celebrate this creative collaboration, adventures can claim a free pack at the Reward Claims Agent starting today, November 17, until December 8*! The Way of the Drow pack contains a choice of ONE of the following account-bound items:

  • Drizzt Companion (Not account-unlock)
  • Drizzt’s Hair
  • Catti-brie’s hair
  • Renegade Drow Race
  • Epic Insignia Choice Pack


*The Way of the Drow Promotion is being extended until 12/8!


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