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Neverwinter's Double XP Marathon

Di Akromatik | mer 01 apr 2015 10:06:37 PDT

Need a boost in leveling up your character in preparation for when we raise the level cap? You'll get that added boost starting today during our Double XP Marathon!

Your characters and companions will level faster than ever! Earn twice as much XP rewards from quests, killing bosses and other in-game activities! Login during this event and make sure you’re prepared for Elemental Evil coming on April 7th!

Double XP Weekend begins: April 2nd, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. PDT (Pacific)

Double XP Weekend ends: April 7th, 2015 at 7:00 A.M. PDT (Pacific)

What will grant you double XP in Neverwinter during this event?

- XP gained from killing creatures in game.

- XP gained from professions.

- XP rewards from quests.

- XP rewards from invocation.

- XP rewards from completed Foundry missions.

- Companions will also gain double XP. Even if you are level 60, your companions will continue to gain double XP as you progress through the game.

- *Companions will not receive double XP from Sword Coast Adventures.

Are you excited for all the super-charged adventures you’ll have during our Double XP Marathon? Let us know on the Neverwinter Forums.

Click here to register for Neverwinter, the Dungeons & Dragons action MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Get a head start in-game by purchasing Neverwinter item packs which include unique companions, mounts, boosts, and exclusive benefits!

Want more game details, screens, and videos? Like Neverwinter on Facebook for more fan-exclusive content and follow us on Twitter – tweet us your questions! And, subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest Neverwinter videos.

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