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Mysterious Crystal Charger!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 18 lug 2018 09:00:00 PDT

There’s magic in the air as the Wondrous Bazaar unveils its latest offerings! For a limited time, the Mysterious Crystal Charger will be for sale. This delicate horse-shaped crystal trinket offers players a chance to release one of five mounts with a random insignia upon shattering.

The crystal will begin sparkling on Thursday, July 19 at 7:30am PT on PC (or when maintenance is complete) and 10am PT on Console

The crystal will shatter on Monday, July 23 at 7:30am PT on PC and 10am PT on Console


Take a look at the five horses, which may charge into your possession.

Enchanted Courser – A favorite steed of mages throughout the Sword Coast, the enchanted courses shimmers and sparkles with a power of the magical energies used to summon it.

Sabino Destrier – This striking warhorse is strategically armored to strike a balance between protection and speed.

Buckskin Destrier – Every fighting race prizes mounts strong enough to carry them into combat. This powerful warhorse is itself formidably armored.

Arkaiun Courser – The hardy Arkaiun people are a stout breed whose nomadic lifestyle favors strong horses that can endure long journeys. Such steeds are prized by adventurers for lengthy quests.

Tuigan Courser – The Tuigan horselords are famed hunters who roam the wastes in search of ferocious prey against which they can prove their valor. Their horses are fast, strong, and fearless: a combination prized by adventurers.


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