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Neverwinter Live Date and Module News!

Di Pinpointerror | gio 06 giu 2013 06:00:13 PDT


Neverwinter is live on June 20, 2013


We're excited to announce that our most anticipated and widely-acclaimed free-to-play action MMORPG, Neverwinter, concludes Open Beta Testing and launches on June 20, 2013! The launch day also marks the release of Gauntlgrym, our level 60 PvE and PvP content for veteran players. New challenges await within Gauntlgrym as players fight for the greatest treasures hidden deep in the ancient Dwarven city. Seasoned veterans who have mastered the many dungeon delves and skirmishes in Neverwinter should prepare for their toughest challenges yet. Enter the battlegrounds and prove who is most deserving of Neverwinter's riches.


Fury of the Feywild, the first free content expansion for Neverwinter announced


In addition to our launch date, we're revealing the first Module for Neverwinter: Fury of the Feywild. As revealed on May 9, 2013, the upcoming free content expansion for Neverwinter will be due this summer that chronicles an attempt by Fomorian Giants to seize the Elven city of Sharandar. More details will be available on the Module's microsite at: Check back often and see what new details are unveiled.


"Boy, we have a lot going on. But then that was the plan from the very beginning." said Cryptic Studios Executive Producer and COO, Craig Zinkievich. "The feedback from players has been incredible. With their help during our Beta Test periods and our accumulated experience from having launched five MMOs, we're confident we've worked out all the major kinks and can sustain the world of Neverwinter without the Beta safety net. I personally thank our Open Beta players for providing an enormous amount of valuable feedback and supporting us during every single step of the development process. As a token of that appreciation, we're running an in-game promotional event near the end of Open Beta. Of course, alongside the end of Open Beta comes the release of Gauntlgrym, which adds more end-game content. And, we just announced Fury of the Feywild, our first content expansion for Neverwinter, which will all be, in classic D&D fashion, Modules. Yeah, there is a lot going on. But we wouldn't have it any other way. The game is doing great and we love working on it."


See Gauntlgrym in action below in our newest trailer:



Public test shard announced: NeverwinterPreview


Along with the upcoming content update, we're also excited to announce that major updates are on the way! Based on the incredible amount of feedback and suggestions we've received from our fans since Open Beta began, Neverwinter will be more balanced and challenging - and fun! To ensure a smooth live launch and to continue improving Neverwinter past launch, we are starting a new program for select players to preview upcoming content, game and class balance changes, and other improvements to the game. The new public test shard will be called Preview. By playing on Preview, these select players will be able to provide invaluable feedback on what can improved and changed before the update is on the Neverwinter shard. We will have more information on Preview very soon so check back on the Neverwinter homepage later today for updates!


Are you excited to travel to the Elven city of Sharandar, Gauntlgrym, and about upcoming changes to the game? Show your excitement on the official Neverwinter forums!


Click here to register for Neverwinter, the free-to-play Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Prepare by becoming a Hero of the North today with a Founder's Pack purchase!  


founderspack founder neverwinter


Want more game details, screens, and videos? Like Neverwinter on Facebook for more fan-exclusive content and follow us on Twitter – tweet us your questions! And, subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest Neverwinter videos.


nw-news, neverwinter, nw-launcher, open-beta, fury-of-the-feywild, sharandar, neverwinterpreview, gauntlgrym,

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