Well met, adventurers,
Our next Play with the Devs event is nigh! On Tuesday, March 1 from 3-4PM PT (What time is this for you?), a group of Cryptic developers will be on the Preview shard with the goal of testing Castle Never with you – this time, with Orcus – and the return of the leveling version of Pirate King’s Retreat!
Please copy your character over to Preview if you haven’t already. For adventurers with an iLvl of 2000+, we’ll be asking you to queue for Castle Never. For adventurers with an iLvl of less than 2000, Pirate King’s Retreat will be ready for you! Feel free to do both if time allows.
In addition, Senior Content Designer, John Hopler and Community Manager, Andy “StrumSlinger” Wong will be hosting a live stream so everyone can participate even if they’re not in-game. They’ll be running Castle Never and explaining the design and art process behind the reworked dungeon. [Note: Was previously Sean McCann in the blog, but John Hopler will be joining us instead.]
So whether you plan to participate in the Play with the Devs or simply watch our Twitch stream, come hang out on Tuesday! Xbox One adventurers are welcome!
Where: Perfect World Twitch Channel and the Preview shard
When: Tuesday, March 1 from 3-4PM PT (What time is this for you?)
Giveaways: Something purple that ends with bear or even a poster!