Over the course of Neverwinter’s releases on the Xbox One and Windows, we are constantly reviewing feedback from the community to understand how our game is doing. Your feedback is critical to improving the game. This can be seen where we took feedback from the community and made adjustments to Neverwinter: Elemental Evil on PC and to the Xbox One following their respective launches. One of the areas we have been watching very closely is a small, but important system: vote-to-kick.
The vote-to-kick system was initially implemented to give players the option to make changes to their group for several different group scenarios. Unfortunately, an increasing number of players have been abusing this system. Our release of Neverwinter: Rise of Tiamat on Xbox One included initial steps to alleviate this issue, however, players have requested additional changes to the system and we are pleased to announce that changes to both the Xbox One and Windows versions will be coming soon.
One the main areas of abuse is where players are kicked near or at the end of a boss fight so that the loot is split among the smaller, remaining group. To address this, we are disabling the ability to kick players during or after such fights. This way, all players who contribute to a fight get a fair distribution of the rewards.
The other area that has been abused is where players are kicked when players are rolling for loot using the need/greed/pass user interface. We will be disabling all kicking while this interface is active to ensure that everyone who is participating gets a fair roll for the loot items.
These changes will be coming to the Windows version near the release of the upcoming Strongholds release in August, and to the Xbox One platform with an update that will be announced soon.
Thank you for providing the feedback needed to improve Neverwinter. We apologize for the impolite behavior of some members of the community and look forward to getting these changes released to improve the game experience.