Patch Notes
Patch Notes for 4/23/24 (Adventures in Wildspace)
Check out all the exciting changes coming to Neverwinter in our latest patch notes!
By Fero April 23, 2024 01:21 AM

Patch Notes: NW.315.20240318a.9

Features Highlights

New Campaign & Expanded Adventure Zone

The Wildpsace Adventure Zone has been expanded with several major additions, including two new systems with new planets, Vocath’s orbital base, and asteroid landing sites!

Further information can be found in the Adventure Zone Developer Blog and the Heroic Encounters Developer Blog.

New Dungeon: The Imperial Citadel

The Adventurer and allies have begun their final assault on the Xaryxian Empire. In a final push to defeat Prince Xeleth and stop his plans to destroy Toril, the Moondancer, along with the armada of the alliance, engage in a final battle in Xaryxis space. After defeating the flagship of the empire, the Adventurer will storm the games of the Temple of Light and battle with Prince Xeleth himself. The Dungeon will have 3 difficulty tiers with all new rewards!

Further information can be found in the Imperial Citadel Developer Blog.

New Lockbox: Doomspace Lockbox

The first lockbox in our 28th module, Adventures in Wildspace, is the Doomspace Lockbox! Along with the standard lockbox rewards and chances, our two headline items are the Zodar Armor mount and the Beacon of Meteor Swarm artifact.

Further information can be found in the Doomspace Lockbox Developer Blog

New Battle Pass: Sidereal Voyages

While following the established Battle Pass 3-Milestone format, Sidereal Voyages introduces a new repeatable rewards track! When you gain Battle Pass XP above the max of 4,000 in a given milestone, it spills over into the Further Rewards milestone, accessible via the “Bonus Progress” button in the Journal! The first milestone, Captain’s Orders, begins April 23.

Further information can be found in the Battle Pass Developer Blog.

Enchantment Rank Increases & Collar Updates

Starting with the launch of Adventures in Wildspace, players will be able to achieve a brand new rank for their enchantments, Celestial. With this update, we are also lowering the costs of the previously available ranks, making it even easier to start with enchantments, and to upgrade the enchantments you may already have. Mount Collars will also now cost less Greater Shards of Empowerment and Insignia Powder! Further information can be found in the Developer Blog.

Quality of Life Updates

Several quality of life updates are included in this module including more mount and companion power information presented on each power, shop updates that make them easier to navigate, new title selector, and customizable opacity Class Mechanic bars!

Release Notes

Content and Environment


  • The in-game achievement “Bring in the Ringer” should now properly complete when defeating Bel.
  • The achievement Ascendant Triumph should now properly complete if you have the Campaign task “Power of the Far Realm” completed.

Adventurer’s Guild

  • Bank and Guild Bank NPCs have been added to the Adventurer’s Guild.


  • Adventurers trying to jump off the walls of the Redeemed Citadel should no longer find themselves falling to the corrupted landscape below balcony.

Caverns of Karrundax

  • Moved chest that was obstructed.

Grey Wolf Den

  • Players should no longer fall into the void through a hole in the map.

Gzemnid’s Reliquary

  • Reduced the hit box for the small artifact laser beams in the trial. This should help the less splendid jumpers have an easier time avoiding damage.


  • Drider Captains, Assassins, and Named Creatures in Menzoberranzan drop more Elite Sigils.
  • Lolth's Poison Hazard no longer disappears when there are multiple VFX present on screen.


  • Fixed a bug that caused “Aggressive Negotiations” to break when defeating the various waves of astral elves.

Well of Dragons

  • The mission, “The Well of Dragons” will now require players to be character level 20 before it can be offered or accepted.

Future Events

  • Celebration of Lliira: Players can no longer donate Professional Fireworks while at max capacity of Lliira's Favor.
  • Winter Festival: The Light of Simril Trader now has visible hands.

Combat and Powers


  • Alaric's Artillery Beacon: The use power of this artifact now properly halves the stun duration against players, instead of using the full stun duration. However, the stun duration is also no longer affected by Control Resistance, since it was never affected by Control Bonus. As a result, the stuns dealt by this artifact in PvP will now consistently be 1.2 - 2 seconds depending on artifact quality, and 2.4 - 4 seconds in PvE.
  • Token of Chromatic Storm now uses the “Storm” debuff category for the Damage Taken debuff that it applies. This is currently shared with only one other artifact, which will be in the lockbox available at this module's launch.

Classes: Bard

  • Ballad of the Hero, Ballad of the Witch, Aurora Fantasia (Songs)
    • Can now be performed outside of combat.
  • Blaze Flamenco, Steel March, Tailwind Mambo (Songs)
    • Now all have a maximum targets of 15.
  • Duet (Encounter)
    • Magnitude increased 230 x 2 (460) -> 250 x 2 (500)
    • Tooltip updated to indicate magnitude x hits.
  • Encore / Granstand (Daily)
    • All Encore and Grandstand songs are now tagged as Daily powers and will trigger effects that rely on using a Daily Power.
  • Lunge (Encounter)
    • Magnitude increased 400 -> 500.

Songblade Paragon

  • Con Elemento Variants (At-Will)
    • Con Elemento variants now benefit from Elemental Song Magnitude Bonuses.
    • This allows all Con Elemento variants from their own song bonus (+20 magnitude), as well as feats/features that increase song bonuses.
    • Con Fuoco base magnitude decreased 160 -> 150.
    • Con Moto base magnitude decreased 150 -> 140.
  • Loremaster (Dailies)
    • Research is no longer categorized as a Daily power.
    • Activate Exploit! is still categorized as a Daily Power.
  • Loremaster (Feat)
    • Increased the rate at which Battle Research stacks can be earned from At-Wills by ~20%
  • Tailwind Mambo (Song)
    • Damage now applies in a line that follows the tornado FX, rather than in a sphere around the player.

Classes: Paladin

  • Block Update
    • Paladin's Block now functions like other class's Block powers, requiring you to face the attack to receive CC Immunity.

Classes: Ranger

  • Aspect of the Serpent (Feature)
    • Tooltip now specifies the damage bonus only applies to At-Wills and Encounter powers.
  • Constricting Arrow (Encounter)
    • Max Targets (on Strong Grasping Roots application) increased to 15.
  • Forest Ghost (Daily)
    • Magnitude increased 100x4 -> 250x4.
  • Grasping Roots (Mechanic)
    • Tooltip now displays Magnitude damage inflicted on immune targets.
  • Hindering Shot (Encounter)
    • Cooldown between charges decreased 3s -> 2s.
  • Marauder's Escape (Encounter)
    • Damage tagged as Ranged.
  • Plant Growth (Encounter)
    • Only generates Action Points once (rather than per target hit)
    • Cooldown decreased 25s -> 20s.
    • Magnitude per hit increased 150 -> 200.
  • Rain of Arrows (Encounter)
    • Effects now begin sooner after the power is used.
    • Radius increased 10 -> 12.
    • Magnitude increased 60x5 -> 75x5.
  • Rain of Swords (Encounter)
    • Has been reworked to be a point-blank, area-of-effect attack, rather than an invisible front cone. We recognize this change limits the range of the power, but it allows us to sync the damage with the visuals much more accurately.
    • Magnitude of initial hit increased 115 -> 200.
    • Total Magnitude of the damage over time increased 150 -> 200.
  • Rapid Strike (At-Will)
    • Increased cast time in order to prevent animation cycling issues.
    • Magnitude on first three hits increased 30 -> 80.
    • Magnitude on final hit increased 30 -> 120.
  • Seismic Shot (Daily)
    • Max Targets increased to 15.
    • Magnitude increased 715 -> 800.
    • Projectile reworked in order to eliminate issues with getting stuck in the ground.
    • Projectile now pulls targets towards it, rather than pushing them away, matching the description.
    • No longer very slightly moves the player.
  • Split Shot (At-Will)
    • Max Target increased to 15.
    • Magnitude range increased from 95 - 160 to 95 – 220.
    • This change should make maximum charged Split Shots have a higher DPS than minimum charged Split Shots.
  • Split Strike (At-Will)
    • Magnitude increased 35 -> 50.
  • Steel Breeze (Encounter)
    • Magnitude increased 200 -> 250.

Warden Paragon

  • Aspect of the Lone Wolf (Feature)
    • Now provides 5% Accuracy at all times.
    • Provides 0-10% Deflect, based on number of enemies nearby.
  • Binding Arrow (Encounter)
    • Magnitude increased 900 -> 1,000.
    • Weak Grasping Roots changed to Strong Grasping Roots.
  • Blade Hurricane (Feat)
    • Reworked to provide Flurry for both Melee and Ranged attacks.
    • Buff duration is now refreshed when using a new encounter power.
  • Blade Storm (Class Feature)
    • Max Targets increased to 15.
    • Damage increased 10% -> 20%
  • Boar Hide (Encounter)
    • Now increases Defense by 2% per stack, instead of by a flat 4,000 value.
  • Call of the Storm (Daily)
    • Initial magnitude decreased 430 -> 400.
    • Per second magnitude increased 40 -> 100.
  • Clear the Ground (At-Will)
    • Animation cycle revised to prevent sliding during attacks.
    • Magnitude increased 50 -> 60.
  • Cold Steel Hurricane (Daily)
    • Max Targets increased to 15.
    • Magnitude increased 800 -> 1000.
    • Projectile reworked in order to eliminate issues with getting stuck in the ground.
  • Deft Strikes (Feat)
    • Effect reworked to increased melee/ranged damage for 3 seconds, rather than on 'next power'.
    • Damage bonus increased to 30%
  • Electric Shot (At-Will)
    • Magnitude increased 80 -> 100.
  • Fighting Style (Mastery Mechanic)
    • Warden has a new passive mechanic that increases the magnitude of Rapid Shot and Rapid Strike to compete more closely with Warden-only At-Wills.
  • Focused (Feat)
    • Damage bonus now increases by 4% per second (up from 2%) to a max of 20% in 5 seconds.
  • Fox Shift (Encounter)
    • All 3 hits may now apply to the same target.
    • Magnitude increased 300x3 -> 400x3.
  • Nature's Envoy (Feat)
    • Effect changed to increase your powers' damage by 15% for 10s upon activating Forest Ghost.
  • Penetrating Arrows (At-Will)
    • Magnitude increased 70 -> 90.
  • Skirmisher's Gambit (Feat)
    • No longer decreases Critical Chance by 5%.
  • Split the Sky (Encounter)
    • Effects now begin sooner after the power is used.
    • Damage is no longer tagged as 'Reflective' damage.
    • Magnitude increased 200x5 -> 225x5.
  • Storm Conduit (Feat)
    • Reworked such that your powers with lightning damage apply a debuff to targets that increases your powers' damage by 10%.
    • Disabled old Storm Conduit mechanics on various Warden powers.
  • Storm Strike (At-Will)
    • Animation cycle revised to prevent sliding during attacks.
    • Magnitude increased 90 -> 110.
  • Swiftness of the Fox (Feat)
    • Cooldown reduction increased 1s -> 2s.
    • Now also increase your powers' damage by 5%.
  • Thorn Strike (Encounter)
    • Cooldown increased 8s -> 12s.
    • Has been reworked to affect only a single target in melee range, rather than multiple targets in a very small area.
    • Magnitude base increased 300 -> 500.
  • Thorn Ward (Encounter)
    • Effects now begin sooner after the power is used.
    • Magnitude increased 150x6 -> 200x6.
    • Overall, this power should deal much more damage over a slightly smaller duration.
  • Throw Caution (Encounter)
    • Defense decreasing effect on yourself has been removed.
    • Magnitude increased 450 -> 500.
    • Now generates Action Points.
    • Damage is now tagged as Melee.

Hunter Paragon

  • Aimed Shot (At-Will)
    • No longer displays a cast bar.
    • Camera Shake decreased.
  • Aimed Strike (At-Will)
    • No longer displays a cast bar.
    • DoT total magnitude damage increased 125 -> 325.
  • Careful Attack (At-Will)
    • No longer displays a cast bar.
    • Damage tagged as Melee.
  • Hunter's Teamwork (At-Will)
    • Magnitude increased 65 -> 160.
    • Supply effect changed to a 10% Heal, 10% Stamina, and 5% Action Points for nearby allies.
    • Supply Cache revised in order to eliminate issues with it being unobtainable.
  • Rate of Change (Feat)
    • Reworked the buff to last 9s, losing 5% effect every 3s (rather than losing 2% every 1s)
  • Thorned Roots (Feat)
    • Tooltip updated to reflect the damage magnitude increase on control immune targets works.
    • Damage now has Ranged tag like regular Grasping Roots.

Classes: Rogue

  • Blade Flurry (Encounter)
    • Magnitude increased 300 -> 330.
  • Path of the Blade (Encounter)
    • Magnitude increased 120x4 -> 140x4.
  • Smoke Bomb (Encounter)
    • Smoke Bomb, from stealth, no longer incorrectly triggers 'Encounter used' effects many times.
    • Smoke Bomb's damage, from stealth, after the initial hit, is now considered 'Damage over Time’.
    • Magnitude increased 100x4 -> 120x4.

Assassin Paragon

  • Hastily Sharpened Blades (Feat)
    • Minimum Critical Strike bonus increased 1% -> 5%
  • Toxic Blades (Feat)
    • The damage effect has been temporarily disabled from applying to players while we try to address issues with it targeting friendly players.

Whisper Knife Paragon

  • One with the Shadows (Feat)
    • Increased the delay on the stealth generation effect to insure it applies after stealth ends
  • Shadow of Demise (Feat)
    • Damage % increased 40% -> 50%


  • Juvenile Jade Dragonnel
    • Now provides proper augment stat boosts to Power, Critical Strike, and Outgoing Healing.
  • Xaryxian Defector
    • Xaryxian Defector's secondary AoEs (off Exploding Arrow and Sticky Bomb) now properly trigger even if the companion is more than 20 feet away.


  • Depleted Defiance Item Power, Vivid Starwoven Shirt Item
    • Now increases Movement Speed stat by +20%, rather than total movement speed by 20%
  • Everfrost Undergarb / Icy Aggression Balance Update
    • Everfrost's Set Bonus, Icy Aggression, has its maximum damage decreased from 15% -> 5% of Maximum Hit Points
    • This is a change we've needed to make, but wanted to wait for all the tank reworks to be completed. This older set bonus significantly over-performed and was a crutch for tank threat generation, but should no longer be required.


  • Slab of Vecna
    • Fixed a bug where the Slab of Vecna's active mount power, Wicked Lich, was reading player stats incorrectly. It was ignoring Accuracy but counting Combat Advantage twice. Actual damage done by this power may increase or decrease depending on the player's stats and the particular combat situation.

Enemies and Encounters

Defense of the Moondancer (Advanced)

  • Lieutenant Sniper should no longer cast Energy Beam twice during the last phases of the encounter.


  • The Xaryxian forces have mandated that their arcane casters will no longer use necromantic energies to cast the spell Ice Storm, they will now use the power of cold to damage the enemies of the empire.

Items and Economy


  • Abyss Striker's Provoker Crushers and Abyss Conquerer's Provoker Crushers were both missing 30% of the base stats they should have had. Both have received additional base stats to match other items of equivalent level and quality.
  • The effect Survivor's Gift on the following items now correctly heals 6% max Hp instead of 5%: Pulsar Leathers, Scintillant Restoration Ring +1, Pulsar Half-Plate, Scintillant Restoration Ring. Note that this does not change older versions of Survivor's Gift that already stated that they healed for 5%.
  • The “100 Battle Pass XP” packs sent out in the mail for the First Contact Battle Pass now properly have icons.

Mount Collars

  • The cost to upgrade Mount Collars has been significantly reduced.
  • Collars which had a combined rating of 50% have been increased to 90%.


  • Undermountain Expeditions  - The Undermountain Expedition Rewards item that was unable to be opened can now be opened and will grant a default Expedition gear reward that previously required collecting at least 4 relics.


  • The Companion Merchant in the Training Hall now accepts Seals of the Dragon instead of Seals of the Wild for the Wererat Thief companion.
  • The Reward Claims Agent will now give Account Unlocks for Celestial Enchantments.
    • To reclaim a Celestial, you need to hand in a Mythic of the same type. You can get that Mythic from the reclaim store as long as you still have Mythic reclaims available.
    • It is not possible to have more Celestial Account Unlocks than Mythic Account Unlocks (for any given enchantment type).
    • All Account Unlock Store items in the RCA Enchant Unlock store now have an overlayed "unlock" icon to differentiate them from store items that give gems but have the same icon.
  • Shards of Greater Empowerment and Insignia Powder have been added to the Trade Bar Store.
  • Standard enchants at Sage Bradda’s store have had their cost reduced from 100k AD to 50k AD

User Interface


  • Green and Blue quality gear awarded during the leveling experience should no longer require extra confirmation when converting it to refinement points.


  • Summer Event: A loot notification will now properly pop-up when acquiring Copper and Silver tickets from a Sahha Ticket-Ball. This is purely a UI display fix.


  • Information about the items' costs is now available in tooltips within each item. On console, there is a new "Cost Information" popup for each item that shows that same information. This change is because the footer was getting too big in some stores, and at the same time not showing all the costs for other stores. Now that all the info is shown in other places, the footer cost information is redundant and removed.
  • A bug that allowed certain retired campaign stores to be accessible has been fixed.