Patch Notes
Patch Notes for 1/18/24
Check out all the exciting changes coming to Neverwinter in our latest patch notes!
By Ambassador Kael January 17, 2024 08:40 PM


Content and Environment

Avernus Hunts

  • Hunt Marks in Avernus have had their health greatly reduced to make it more feasible for players to engage with mechanics in that Legacy Campaign.

Demonweb Pits

  • Fixed some typos with Commander Sikasila's mini-contacts.


  • Fixed issue with some Myconid, Kuo-toa, Grung, and Ettercap encounters spawning some incorrect creatures.


Combat and Powers

Classes: Barbarian, Warlock, Fighter

  • “Sprint” Stamina Update
    • The stamina regeneration penalty after using Sprint, Forge Ahead, and Shadow Slip is decreased from 2s -> 1s.

Classes: Cleric

  • Daunting Light (Encounter)
    • Radius increased 8 -> 12.
    • Focused Light (feat) version displays a correct tooltip.
    • Focused Light (feat) version is no longer considered a multi-target attack.

Arbiter Paragon

  • Chains of Blazing Light Encounter
    • Duration decreased 12s -> 5s.
    • Restrain effect no longer breaks on damage, but duration has been rebalanced to be closer to other 'root' effects as a result.

Classes: Fighter

Dreadnought Paragon

  • Executioner's Cut Feat only consumes 5 Vengeance per encounter activation (rather than 5 per target hit)
  • Executioner's Cut tooltip updated to clarify this intent.
  • Landwaster’s (Feat) Shockwave only consumes 50 Vengeance when activated (rather than 50 per target hit)

Classes: Rogue

Note: Tooltips have been updated, in many cases, to be clearer as to the actual effect.

  • Tooltip Powers Fix
    • Courage Breaker Daily now mentions it has a teleport.
    • Ambusher's Haste Feat now clarifies it only affects your powers' damage, not all of your damage.
    • Skullcracker Feat now clarifies it only affects your powers' damage, not all of your damage.
  • Path of the Blade (Encounter)
    • Magnitude increased 450 -> 480.
  • Smoke Bomb (Encounter)
    • Magnitude increased 350 -> 400.
    • Cooldown decreased 22s -> 15s.
    • Duration of Effects decreased 6s -> 4s.
    • Total number of Hits decreased 9 -> 4.
    • Combat Advantage effect (from stealth) can now apply to Control immune targets.
    • Disable effect applies earlier.
  • Stealth Rework
    • Stealth is no longer lost from taking damage, and, Stealth Regeneration is not penalized briefly after taking damage.
    • Effects that increase stealth regeneration have been standardized to +50%. These effects stack, but have diminishing returns with each application.
    • We have also rebalanced effects that restore a set amount of Stealth. Many infrequent restoration effects were unchanged, but effects that could repeatedly restore large amounts of Stealth have been rebalanced.
    • The goal is to make Stealth a more consistently usable mechanic, but not hinge Stealth Regeneration on any single effect. Each paragon should have access to several Stealth-enhancing effects, based on how quickly they wish to recover stealth.
  • Tenacious Concealment (Feat)
    • This has been reworked in light of the larger Stealth updates.
    • Now increases Stealth Regeneration by +50%.

Assassin Paragon

  • Gloaming Cut (At-Will)
    • Extra effect now increases Stealth Regeneration by +50%.
  • Master of Shadows (Feat)
    • This has been rebalanced / reworked in light of the larger Stealth updates.
    • Now increases Stealth Regeneration by +50% and slightly increases Stealth Lifespan.

Whisperknife Paragon

  • Dark Reimbursement (Feat)
    • Stealth gain increased 20% -> 25%.
  • Hidden Attacks (Feat)
    • Now increases Stealth Regeneration by +50% instead of increasing Stealth Lifespan.
  • Lurker Assault (Daily)
    • Damage Bonus increased 30% -> 40%.
  • One with the Shadows (Feat)
    • Responsiveness slightly increased.
    • Cooldown decreased 15s -> 12s.
    • Duration increased 10s -> 12s.
  • Razor Action (Feat)
    • Razor Action will only trigger once every 10 seconds.
    • Magnitude increased 200 -> 300.
  • Return to Shadows (Feat)
    • Stealth gain decreased 15% -> 7.5% and 20% -> 10%.
  • Shadowy Opportunity (Feat)
    • Magnitude decreased 250 -> 150.
  • Vengeance Pursuit Encounter
    • Follow-Up Magnitude increased 200 -> 250.
    • Follow-Up power no longer provides an extra secret 200 Magnitude single-target hit.
    • Follow-Up now correctly triggers 'encounter power used' effects twice, instead of three times.
    • Tooltips added for Follow-Up powers.


Enemies and Encounters


  • Arcturia in the “Claws of Malar” mission should now have reasonable max health for a story boss.
  • Cultists in Wyllowwood have had their powers balanced to be less punishing.


Items and Economy


  • Ancient Enchantments now more clearly message that they are obsolete and have no effects.
  • Armor Reinforcement Kits have had their tooltips standardized, and outdated references to required minimum equip levels have been removed.
  • The colors Fartouched Blue and Teal now properly state that they are unlocked from the Fartouched Dye Pack.