Captains and Adventurers,
Times are tough for a lot of folks out there right now. It is in the spirit of both Star Trek and Dungeons & Dragons to do the right thing when we can. And so, both Star Trek Online and Neverwinter have teamed up with to offer an exclusive, limited-time promotion, where you can purchase in game items and help your fellow humans at the same time.
Click Here to Purchase the Bundles!
Players of both games will be able to choose from several packages to buy, and 100%* of their purchase will go directly to the following charities, split evenly:
Founded in 2013, Pop Culture Hero Coalition is the first 501c-3 non-profit to use relatable stories from TV, comics, and film to develop crucial mental health skills, including those necessary for resilience, empathy, anger management, conflict resolution, violence prevention, addiction, and harmful relationships. The organization’s programs also work to end bullying in all its forms, including racism, misogyny, LGBTQI+bullying, cyberbullying, and other forms of injustice. The Heroic Journey at Home program is available internationally in four languages for children, teens, and parents struggling with the emotional and psychological impacts of isolation during COVID-19. For more info, please see or follow on social media @SuperheroIRL.
United Way Bay Area (UWBA) fights for financial stability and equal opportunity for residents in eight Bay Area counties. UWBA takes an innovative, holistic approach to ending the cycle of poverty through advocacy and programs that support all ages—providing free access to family support, financial and career coaching, job opportunities and basic needs. UWBA is an affiliate of United Way Worldwide, the world’s largest privately funded nonprofit. We’re engaged in nearly 1,800 communities across more than 40 countries and territories worldwide to create sustainable solutions to the challenges facing our communities. United Way partners include global, national and local businesses, nonprofits, government, civic and faith-based organizations, along with educators, labor leaders, health providers, senior citizens, students and more.
When you make your purchase on, you’ll be able to choose which platform you’d like to receive your rewards on. Here’s how the packages break down:
Available for all platforms (PC, Xbox One, PlayStation®4)**
- Tier 1 – $2.00 USD
- Blue Companion Choice Pack: Users will choose between the Cambion Magus and Astral Deva.
- Tier 2 – $10.00 USD – Limited Quantities Available!
- Dragonborn Legend Pack
- Users who purchase this tier will automatically be granted items from Tier 1
Star Trek Online
Available for all platforms (PC, Xbox One, PlayStation®4)**
- Tier 1 - $2.00 USD
- Heroic Risian Caracal Pet
- Heroic Tribble
- Title: Heroic
- Tier 2 - $10.00 USD – Limited Quantities Available!
- Somerville Intel Science Vessel T6
- Batlh Intel Science Vessel T6
- 1 Fleet Module
- Users who purchase this tier will automatically be granted items from Tier 1
Thank you for spending your time with us during this difficult time, whether you’re battling devils in the pits of Avernus or facing the Borg Queen on Excalbia. We hope that wherever you are, you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.
*Net amounts after standard deductions for payment processing and hosting fees charged by Groupees.
**Players must link their Xbox One and PlayStation®4 accounts with Arc in order to claim items on these platforms. Only 1 pack per account - if you have previously purchased this pack outside the charity bundle, you will not be able to claim a second set of items.
Perfect World Entertainment will comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing charitable sales promotions and our licensors are indemnified for any claims arising out of failure to do so.
© 2020 Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA and other countries. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Neverwinter, Forgotten Realms, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries.
TM & © 2020 CBS Studios Inc. © 2020 Paramount Pictures Corp. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.