2x Campaign Bonus!
Lord Neverember is starting off the year by granting double campaign currencies for a limited time!
By Julia (nitocris83) January 04, 2017 11:03 AM

A new year always comes with personal resolutions and goals. Lord Neverember has heard that many adventurers want to make great progress in Neverwinter’s campaigns, so he decided to grant double campaign currencies for a limited time!

Start: Thursday, January 5 at 7:30AM PT (or after maintenance) for PC and 10am PT for console.

End: Monday, January 9 at 7:30AM PT for PC and 10am PT for console.

The following campaigns are included in this event:

  • Dread Ring campaign
  • Icewind Dale campaign
  • Sharandar campaign
  • Tyranny of Dragons campaign
  • Underdark campaign


Complete any quests in the campaign zones and you will earn double the usual currency rewards!