Neverwinter: 20% Companion Sale Weekend!
All companions are on sale this weekend, including the Siege Master, Quasit, and Watler!
By Andy (StrumSlinger) October 12, 2016 05:09 PM

Every Neverwinter adventurer knows that companions are valuable and crucial assets. From healing to soaking up damage to dealing damage in combat, there are companions available for every role. All companions are on sale this weekend, including the Siege Master, Quasit, and Watler!

Remember, you can simply press “Y” in-game to bring up the Zen Market and see all of the companions.

Companion Sale begins: Thursday, October 20 at 7:30AM PT (or after maintenance)

Companion Sale ends: Monday, October 24 at 7:30AM PT

All Zen Market companions are now 20% off for a limited time!

Don't miss out on grabbing one or all of your favorite companions.

Which companion suits your playstyle?