Developer Blog: Sailing & Fishing
As you progress through the zone, you’ll gain access to your very own khyek, a personal maneuverable boat that allows you to venture across the open sea.
By Andy (StrumSlinger) October 07, 2016 10:24 AM

Hail, adventuers!

As Icewind Dale brings adventurers to Neverwinter’s largest zone yet, the Sea of Moving Ice, there are some who wonder how one would begin to navigate such a place. Fortunately, the native Ice Hunters already have this all figured out, and some of them may even be willing to share their methods, in exchange for your aid. As you progress through the zone, you’ll gain access to your very own khyek, a personal maneuverable boat that allows you to venture across the open sea. There are several tiers of khyeks you can find in the zone that improve in speed and appearance with each tier. These vessels cannot be summoned beyond the Sea of Moving Ice.

Khyeks are more than just a means of travel, however. Beneath the vast Sea of Moving Ice dwells an abundant habitat of strange and wondrous creatures that can be caught with a proper fishing rod. Sorry, your fishing poles from Lonelywood and the Winter Festival won’t cut it out here, but not to worry – there will be more than enough rods better suited to deep sea fishing available in the zone.

You’ll also find this type of fishing to be more involved than other familiar fishing activities. When you enter your khyek, your character’s powers will be completely swapped out to a new set of fishing powers that allow you to set your bait, cast your line, set your hook, and reel a hooked fish in. Furthermore, while you can fish anywhere in the Sea of Moving Ice, you will find larger fish and of much greater variety in active spots, which randomly appear and disappear throughout the zone. Players will have to explore and communicate to find these active spots efficiently, but take heed – the more fishers on a spot, the faster it gets used up!


There are various benefits to fishing, whether you’re participating as a collector, as an explorer, as a trader, or simply looking to make your character more powerful. Anything you catch can be turned in to feed the troops and refugees, gaining you reputation. This reputation can be used in the Svardborg trial to open chests that contain special reagents needed to upgrade the relic weapons/off-hands, a set of brand new artifact weapons arriving with the Sea of Moving Ice. Additionally, some of the materials needed to restore these weapons can only be acquired by gutting certain special types of fish. For those who really want to get into the system, there is an entire collections page wholly dedicated to all the different fish that can be caught in the Sea of Moving Ice, and an exclusive title available only to those determined enough to catch them all!

If that wasn’t enough, the Sea of Moving Ice will also be introducing treasure maps that players must decipher in order to discover buried riches strewn throughout the zone. These rare maps have been carefully tucked away in bottles that can be occasionally hooked while fishing in active spots. Each map will hint at one of dozens of random locations that can be challenging to reach, but the loot will make it all worthwhile. Players can expect to be able to dig up refinement gems, relic weapon restoration materials, stashes of fish and krill bait, and, if you’re lucky, the highest tier fishing rod or khyek.

Tradd “Dreadnaught” Thompson

Systems Designer

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