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Star Trek Online

PC Patch Notes for 3/8/23

Von Ambassador Kael | Di 07 Mär 2023 20:56:08 PST


  • The Digitizer Torpedo is now exempt from the Extra Large Torpedo shared cooldown. While initially a bug, having it exempt from the cooldown opened healthy build paths. 
  • Improved the damage dealt by the probes created from the trait, Digital Compilation.  
  • Resolved an issue with the text for the Zen Store product, Valdres Command Strike Wing Escort, to correctly describe the captain trait that is connected to the ship.  
  • Updated the text for the 13th Anniversary Bundle in the Zen Store, to reflect that the EV Suit and Kit Module are unlocked as part of a combined product in the items tab of the Zen Store, after purchasing the bundle. 
  • Updated the Patrols UI to sort patrols alphabetically.  

Known Issues 

  • Mudd’s Forged Alliance Choice Pack Incorrectly shows the image of the Elite Bridge Officer Upgrade Tokens in the Zen Store instead of the T6 Ship Upgrade Coupons it actually grants. 

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