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Star Trek Online

CE & JHSS Livestream!

Von CaptainSmirk | Fr 13 Mär 2015 15:30:00 PDT

Missed the Livestream today? Never fear, brave Captains! You can catch the recorded version here and find out what fixes to the Crystalline Cataclysm went live in yesterday's patch, the Jem'Hadar Strike Ship's abilities, and the announcement of the Foundry Challenge #11 topic, all in our TwitchTV recorded Broadcast!

Thanks to everyone who joined us, and congrats to our winners!


Join CaptainSmirk for today's starting at 1:30PM PDT (click here for your local timezone), as we team up to take on the Crystalline Entity to stop it before it consumes anymore worlds!

CaptainSmirk will be hopping into his newly christened Jem'Hadar Strike Ship to see how she handles, and how many Tholians he can smash with the ship's mighty abilities.

As it will also be Friday the 13th, Smirk will try his luck in opening R&D packs for another JHSS to give out as a potential reward to one lucky viewer, or more if he is on a lucky streak!

Join us on TwitchTV for the show, and check back in this blog after the broadcast for links to the recorded version.

Our crew will be ready for your questions and to give out prizes through our TwitchTV Raffle*.

*To be eligible to win, you only need to be logged in to Twitch and chat the keyword that we'll ask players to post (in addition to us saying it verbally, we'll post it in chat so you can copy and paste it) right before each giveaway.

We look forward to seeing you in-game and in our Twitch chat for the show!

Community Manager
Star Trek Online

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