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Star Trek Online

PC Patch Notes for 4/21/22

Von Ambassador Kael | Mi 20 Apr 2022 19:10:01 PDT


  • Resolved an issue that was allowing use of the Tier 5 Reputation Buyout tokens found in the Legendary Jem'Hadar Captain Bundle on characters that had already achieved Tier 5 or higher. 
    • This error would result in Captains ending up in a bad state, which we will endeavor to manually repair in a future patch. 
  • Future versions of the Tier 5 Reputation Buyout Tokens from this Captain Bundle will be Account Bound, so they can be applied to other characters on your account if the Boosted Character has already reached Tier 5 in the appropriate Reputations.  
    • Use of these requires Level 50+. 
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing the Legendary Vanguard Pilot Attack Ship [T6] from appearing in the Ship Vendor. 
  • Resolved an issue with the "Complete the Swarm queue 5 times" objective, where doing so on Advanced or Elite difficulties did not grant progress toward completion. 
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing the Polaron Quad Cannons from being upgraded. 
  • Resolved an issue that was allowing the Damage Immunity granted by Pilot Maneuvers to ignore the Immunity Lockout that is standard to all Damage Immunity abilities. 
    • Pilot Maneuvers may still be activated during this lockout period, but will no longer grant Damage Immunity if you are affected by the lockout. 

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