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Star Trek Online

PC Patch Notes for 6/26/19

Von Ambassador Kael | Mi 26 Jun 2019 18:33:27 PDT


  • Resolved a crash that could sometimes occur when attempting to use the T6 Ship Coupon.
  • Resolved an issue that could possibly allow a player to get stuck inside of the shuttle during “Impossibility of Reason”.
  • Updated Mission Transwarp prompts if transwarp is unavailable.
    • If the player is on the destination map and transwarp is unavailable, the player will automatically start auto-navigating to their destination


  • The range of energy credits or GPL that can be bet at Dabo has been increased to be between 100 and 1 million


  • Resolved an issue that prevented the Cleave ship from decloaking as it spawned in when activating the "Render Visible" universal console.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Rank 2 version of Bio-Molecular Shield Generator to give a lower shield resistance buff than the base version.
  • Resolved an issue that caused Advanced Phaser Beam Arrays to apply Fire at Will 3 under Fire at Will 1 and Fire at Will 1 under Fire at Will 3.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Agony Phaser Torpedo to list the damage from its Torpedo Spread 3 as being from Torpedo Spread 2.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the Command Dreadnought Cruisers from correctly getting additional Hull Regeneration once reaching starship mastery level 1.
  • Updated description of Strategic Maneuvering command

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