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Patch Notes: Version: NW.105.20181121b.6

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Mi 12 Dez 2018 21:13:27 PST



Workshop and Quest Flow

  • Certain hitches in tutorial flow have been addressed.
  • Dwarves can now reach items on high counters in the Professions questline without jumping.
  • Players can no longer become stuck unable to use the "order" functionality at the workbench even after progressing through the tutorial.
  • Players can now properly restore morale after having purchased certain packs.
  • The Quest Path now consistently leads to the correct NPCs in the Professions questline.

Crafting and Crafted Items

  • Artisans and tools should no longer become stuck in an unusable state.
  • Major Defense Armor Kit +1 is now named correctly.
  • Weapons created by professions can now properly be used to transmute other weapons.

Masterwork Quests

  • The Artisan in the Stronghold no longer incorrectly offers two entries of the recipe book "Masterwork Armorsmithing Recipes III."
  • The Artisan's entries no longer have error text that lists requirements of "Weaponsmithing" and "Platesmithing."

User Interface

  • Displayed rewards now consistently take bonus XP from VIP into account. Granted rewards worked correctly prior to this, and will continue to work correctly.
  • Rewards from other sources now properly display after purchasing an artisan recruitment from the Master's Desk.




Release Notes


Content and Environment

Acquisitions Incorporated

  • Reptilian Extraction: Multiple players can no longer simultaneously interact certain cages.
  • Rescue Mission: Enemies should now be a consistent difficulty in this quest.
  • Rescue Mission: River District is now available to anyone in the party, even if they haven't unlocked it yet, if anyone has this quest.
  • Temple Intrusion: Other players no longer show up in certain cutscenes.
  • Various minor improvements have been made to Acquisitions Incorporated quest flow.


  • Mimics should no longer have a chance to be clearly labeled as mimics before they're opened.
  • Sharandar: Root of the Problem, Trouble Brewing, and The Moonless Knight can now properly be completed and rewards can be gained.



Combat and Powers

Classes and Balance

  • Control Wizard: Destructive Wizardry now properly applies after casting a fully-charged Storm Pillar.
  • Guardian Fighter: Griffon's Wrath is now even less likely to be infinitely usable.
  • Guardian Fighter: Shield Warrior's Wrath was using a calculation that made it far more effective than intended. This calculation has been fixed, and the effect of Shield Warrior's Wrath now matches its tooltip.

Item Powers

  • Wand of Wonder now consistently casts when used.



Items and Economy


  • Castle Ravenloft once again awards Seals of the Crown.
  • Chult Patronage Token now actually reduces costs of Chult campaign tasks.
  • Gallant Raid Gloves and Boots now show up in the M15 Gallant/Hardcore Store.
  • Lockboxes drop a bit more often now, though still a little lower than rates prior to the launch of the Heart of Fire.

Zen Market

  • Dragonborn Race Pack now comes with an Adventurer's Support Pack in the Reward Claims Agent. Players who purchased a Dragonborn Race Pack prior to this change can still pick theirs up at the same Agent.
  • Hairstyles now come packaged with Change Appearance Tokens. And are now available for purchase.



User Interface

Character Sheet

  • Retrain should now consistently work.

Item Preview

  • Weapons should now show up in the correct hand in Item Preview mode.


  • The VIP window now correctly lists that VIP Rank 1 grants the ability to directly travel to the Professions Workshop from the world travel window.



Art, Animation, Audio, and Effects

Character Art

  • Menzoberranzan Renegade tattoos can now properly be applied to female Menzoberranzan Renegade characters.




  • Various fixes have been made to text in the French, German, Italian, and Russian locales.



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