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PvP Solo Queue!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 23 feb 2017 12:33:32 PST

Enter alone but fight alongside other heroes! During the PvP Solo Queue Event, anytime you queue by yourself for Domination, you will be placed in a group with other solo queue players. Partake in a more balanced PvP without the fear of pre-made groups!

Solo PvP Queue Starts Thursday, February 23 at 10am PT. 

Solo PvP Queue Ends Thursday, March 2 at 10am PT.

The more players that participate in this event, the more information we can gather to continue making improvements so tell your friends and guildmates (but not your hamster) to face the queue alone!  

Happy PvPing!

nw-xbox, nw-playstation,

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