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Patch Notes: Version: NW.70.20161205a.19

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mar 21 feb 2017 07:48:05 PST

Patch Notes: NW.70.20161205a.19


Content and Environment
Dungeons and Trials

  • Valindra's Lair: Imps should once again consistently spawn from portals.


Combat and Powers
Devoted Cleric

  • Bear Your Sins: This Feat in the Righteous paragon tree now functions correctly.


Guardian Fighter

  • Guarded Assault no longer triggers from other reflect powers.


Oathbound Paladin

  • Aura of Vengeance no longer triggers from other reflect powers.



  • Buff icons have been added to certain companion powers that had been missing them.
  • Energon: This companion no longer loses its visual effects when it's defeated.
  • Slyblade Kobold: This companion's slash power attack rate now matches its cooldown.



  • Certain types of powers now properly reduce the damage resistance of targets. Notable examples include the Bear Your Sins feat (Devoted Cleric) and Pillar of Power (Scourge Warlock - Hellbringer).


Items and Economy
Dungeon Key Rewards

  • Deepknight's Brigandine: This item is once again item level 150.
  • Historian's Regalia: The item level of this item has been increased to 160, up from 150.
  • Jarl's Gaze: The item level of this item has been increased to 160, up from 150.
  • Psion's Shroud: This item is once again item level 150.
  • Shard of Permafrost: This item has been renamed to Endurant Permafrost, in order to better differentiate it from the Permafrost Shard item.
  • Zulkir's Dreadnought: This item is once again item level 150.


Enchantments, Enhancements, and Runestones

  • Frost Enchantment: This Enchantment's tooltip has been clarified to show some effects that were not previously mentioned. Functionality has not been changed.



  • Any players who had Ancient Ostorian Chests that disappeared (and locked out an inventory slot) now have those chests back. Those inventory slots are once again functional.
  • Champion's Charger and Winter Wolf mounts can now be discarded.
  • Hidden Treasure rewards from Sea of Moving Ice now Bind on Pickup if they end up in the inventory without auto-opening.


User Interface
Dungeon Key Chests

  • Dungeon chests no longer have a chance to wait a long time to give rewards if the player managed to choose nothing on a choice dialog.
  • Players can no longer cause themselves to un-select a reward by clicking a non-choosable reward.
  • Players now receive the first reward in a choice if they crash during reward selection.



  • Items that are in the "To Trade" list now have a red overlay in the item picker.  This is intended to make it clearer that a trade is pending on a given item in a given slot.
  • Players may now move items from the Useful Items bag to banks, guild banks, etc. and vice-versa.
  • Thayan Lair Keys are now stored in the Useful Items bag.

Art, Effects, Animation, and, Audio

  • Energon: This companion now properly has audio.
  • Red Slaad: This companion now properly has audio for when it's defeated.
  • Tavern music no longer incorrectly persists in certain areas.


Performance and Stability

  • The game client no longer crashes when attempting to clear an empty Enchantment slot.


  • Jarl Storvald now plays the correct verbal cues for German-language players.
  • Vorpal Enchantments of the lowest and three highest ranks are once again properly localized in French.



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