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PvP with the Devs!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | lun 16 apr 2018 10:56:26 PDT

Greetings Adventurers!

On Thursday, April 26, a group of intrepid Developers will venture into the battleground to test their mettle against your forces!

Time and date?
Thursday, April 26, 4:30-6pm PT. (When is this for me?)

Where will the event take place?
In order to not impact any live-facing stats or metrics, the event will take place on the Preview shard. For information on how to access Preview and transfer a character, please go here

Who will be there?
The current sign up includes 10 Developers across multiple disciplines (Design, Production, QA, etc.). They will be identified as Developers and will be part of the guild called "Cryptic Studios". 

How do I play against the Devs?
The 10 Devs will group up and invite an additional 10 players, with new players each match. We have created a sign-up sheet for players on Reddit. Sign-up thread is now closed. Once the event starts, we will start going down the list. If a player is not in-game when it's their turn, we will move on to the next.


For updates on this event, please visit the official forum thread here

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