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Star Trek Online

Path to F2P Dev Blog #12

By admin | Fri 14 Oct 2011 07:44:33 PM PDT

Events Calendar

While many of you hop into the game every day with a plan of what you want to accomplish, others log in to find out what is going on. The new Events feature on Tribble is intended to give both the planner and the spontaneous player something new to do in game.

The idea behind Special Events is that there are some activities that you can participate in only during a specific window of time. Some of these events will include new content specifically designed to play as an event, while others will offer bonuses for playing existing parts of the game. In all cases, we are aiming to make playing Special Events a worthwhile experience.

The Today’s Events section of the Mission Journal helps you keep track of what’s happening and when, so you can see what’s coming and plan your play times to match the events in which you want to participate. The event carousel shows you what is happening now and what will be available during the next 48 hours. The Calendar button will open an in-game calendar that shows you when weekly and monthly events are scheduled. Clicking on any individual entry in the carousel or calendar will give you detailed information about that event.

Here’s a list of the events that appear in the carousel and are currently live on Tribble:

  • Mirror Universe Incursion: Characters level 11 to 51 join via the PvE queue and fight a mirror universe attack while teamed with your fellow players. Players earn 5x kill XP during this event, so this is a great way to level up. There are separate time windows for Federation and KDF incursions.
  • Starfleet Academy: Help cadets at Starfleet Academy during this hour and earn special Dilithium rewards.
  • Tour the Universe: Race across Sector Space to earn Energy Credits. This is open to both Federation and KDF characters.
  • Multiphasic Event: Scanning anomalies during this hour earns bonus data samples. Even if you're not an active user of Memory Alpha, those extra samples can fetch you some Energy Credits on the Exchange.

Looking at the Calendar may uncover other weekend-long events that do not show on the carousel, such as Q XP Weekends, STF Weekends, or C-Store sales and other promotions.

This is just the beginning. We have additional events in development to provide even more options to players. Some of the ones we expect to try out on Tribble in the next few weeks include:

  • Klingon Academy: Similar to the Starfleet Academy event, but for KDF play.
  • Borg Ground Invasion: Our first large-scale ground combat event map. We're having fun playing this one in the office and are looking forward to it getting on Tribble.
  • Foundry Expedition: Play Foundry content during this hour to gain extra rewards.
  • Fleet Action Focus: We plan to focus on specific Fleet Actions, making it easier to get full groups during that hour since everyone will be wanting to play the same one. Extra rewards will be granted.

And we have other fun ideas up our sleeves that we can't wait get onto Tribble for you all to try out. Watch for them in future weeks!

Stephen D'Angelo
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online

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