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Star Trek Online

Awakening: Beneath the Skin

Von Ambassador Kael | Fr 16 Aug 2019 09:00:00 PDT

My namesake once said Mycelium was ‘like the Earth’s internet’. He was right, but it turns out he was off on the question of scale. It’s more like a quantum internet. For the universe.”  - Paul Stamets

Beneath the Skin is a brand new episode coming to Star Trek Online with the launch of Awakening, and brings the story of STO back to the year 2410. J'ula, the fierce and uncompromising Klingon warrior who was catapulted forward in time by the use of her Mycelial weapon in Age of Discovery, is now threatening Andoria with that very same weapon. In order to stop her, you’ll have to use holographic technology to resurrect Paul Stamets, as played by Anthony Rapp. Together, your Captain and Stamets will venture into the Mycelial Network itself, to discover the source of Ju’la’s power and put a stop to it.

This episode will be available for Captains who have completed the tutorial, as part of the Age of Discovery arc in the Mission Journal. It is coming to PC on September 10th, and Xbox One and Playstation 4 later this year.


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