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Star Trek Online

Stats of the Allied Pilot Escort Bundle!

Von Ambassador Kael | Di 13 Feb 2018 09:00:00 PST

This new breed of Pilot Escort represents a unique blend of technologies from each of the primary Alliance members, with various projects and subsystems pulled from Andorian, Lethean, and Dewan techniques. The sleek styling, tight maneuverability, and impressive arsenal of offensive capabilities of existing Andorian Escorts have informed a great deal about the core functionality of all of these vessels, as is obviously reflected in these modernized Andorian starships.

Players will soon see the addition of Allied Pilot Escorts to the C-Store! These ships will be available individually, as 3-ship Faction Bundles, or as a 9-Ship Megabundle. Each of cutting-edge Escorts possesses impressive and unique capabilities, inspired by their unique lineage.

Starfleet officers will gain access to the following starships:

  • Andorian Kuthar Pilot Escort [T6]
  • Andorian Chimesh Pilot Escort [T6]
  • Andorian Thozyn Pilot Escort [T6]

Klingon Defense Force officers will be able to obtain:

  • Lethean Oniros Pilot Escort [T6]
  • Lethean Nemosin Pilot Escort [T6]
  • Lethean Xechas Pilot Escort [T6]

Romulan Republic captains can get their hands on:

  • Dewan Dynnasia Pilot Escort [T6]
  • Dewan Ikkabar Pilot Escort [T6]
  • Dewan Vandros Pilot Escort [T6]

Each set of ships shares Universal Consoles and Starship Traits with similar variants from the other factions, for a total of three separate versions of each being included. All nine of these vessels use standard Warp Cores (not Singularity Cores) and share stats and abilities with their counterparts in the other two factions. They will be available in the C-Store and can be purchased by level 50 players (Vice Admiral and Lieutenant General ranks).

These vessels will all be outfitted with a Commander-rank Tactical/Pilot Specialist Bridge Officer seat.


Pilot Maneuvers

As Pilot vessels, all the Escorts contained in this bundle will be capable of executing Pilot Maneuvers once every few seconds. These sudden bursts of movement can be of incredible aid in moving into or out of danger, or repositioning yourself to get the best tactical position at a moment’s notice. Each of these starships can perform a sudden maneuver in each horizontal direction: Forward, Backward, Left or Right. Executing each maneuver will rapidly reposition your starship while granting very brief damage immunity, but costs all available thruster fuel which takes several seconds to recover.


Engineering Variants

The following three ships (one per Faction) share identical stats and layouts, differing only in physical appearance and availability.

Andorian Kuthar Pilot Escort [T6]

Lethean Oniros Pilot Escort [T6]

Dewan Dynnasia Pilot Escort [T6]

These variants of Pilot Escort draw upon Lethean sensibilities of subsystem reinforcement and computer processing speeds, and therefore offers additional Engineering bridge officer seating and consoles, while sacrificing very little in terms of its offensive capabilities.

Ship Details

  • Tier: 6
  • Faction: Starfleet, Klingon, Romulan (one per Faction)
  • Rank Required: Level 50 (Vice Admiral or Lieutenant General)
  • Hull Strength: 1.02 (30,600 at Level 40, 35,190 at Level 50, 40,800 at Level 60)
  • Shield Modifier: 1.1
  • Fore Weapons: 5
  • Aft Weapons: 2
  • Device Slots: 2
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Commander Tactical/Pilot, 1 Ensign Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Universal, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal
  • Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 2 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 16
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.2
  • Inertia: 70
  • +15 to Weapons and +5 to Engines
  • Console – Universal - Wing Torpedo Platforms
  • Experimental Weapon Slot, equipped with Alliance Hypercannon
  • "Pilot Maneuvers" Ship Mechanic
  • Starship Mastery Package (Escort)
    • Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
    • Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
    • Enhanced Weapon Systems (+Weapon Damage)
    • Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)
    • Painful Memories (Starship Trait)

Admiralty Stats

  • ENG: 36
  • SCI: 26
  • TAC: 55
  • SPECIAL: -25% Maintenance per EngShip


Science Variants

The following three ships (one per Faction) share identical stats and layouts, differing only in physical appearance and availability.

Andorian Chimesh Pilot Escort [T6]

Lethean Nemosin Pilot Escort [T6]

Dewan Ikkabar Pilot Escort [T6]

In order to facilitate the experimental technologies of Dewan design, this variant allows for increased Science bridge officer seating and consoles, packing additional utility and other surprises into an already deadly package.

Ship Details

  • Tier: 6
  • Faction: Starfleet, Klingon, Romulan (one per Faction)
  • Rank Required: Level 50 (Vice Admiral or Lieutenant General)
  • Hull Strength: 1.02 (30,600 at Level 40, 35,190 at Level 50, 40,800 at Level 60)
  • Shield Modifier: 1.1
  • Fore Weapons: 5
  • Aft Weapons: 2
  • Device Slots: 2
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Commander Tactical/Pilot, 1 Ensign Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Universal, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal
  • Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 2 Engineering, 4 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 16
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.2
  • Inertia: 70
  • +15 to Weapons and +5 to Engines
  • Console – Universal - Gateway Trap Spawner
  • Experimental Weapon Slot, equipped with Alliance Hypercannon
  • "Pilot Maneuvers" Ship Mechanic
  • Starship Mastery Package (Escort)
    • Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
    • Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
    • Enhanced Weapon Systems (+Weapon Damage)
    • Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)
    • Improved Gravity Well (Starship Trait)

Admiralty Stats

  • ENG: 26
  • SCI: 36
  • TAC: 55
  • SPECIAL: -25% Maintenance per SciShip


Tactical Variants

The following three ships (one per Faction) share identical stats and layouts, differing only in physical appearance and availability.

Andorian Thozyn Pilot Escort [T6]

Lethean Xechas Pilot Escort [T6]

Dewan Vandros Pilot Escort [T6]

With an almost stereotypical approach to conflict, this variant reflects the Andorian military heritage and philosophies of overwhelming firepower and strategic superiority, and allows for additional Tactical bridge officer seating and consoles as a result.

Ship Details

  • Tier: 6
  • Faction: Starfleet, Klingon, Romulan (one per Faction)
  • Rank Required: Level 50 (Vice Admiral or Lieutenant General)
  • Hull Strength: 1.02 (30,600 at Level 40, 35,190 at Level 50, 40,800 at Level 60)
  • Shield Modifier: 1.1
  • Fore Weapons: 5
  • Aft Weapons: 2
  • Device Slots: 2
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Commander Tactical/Pilot, 1 Ensign Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Universal, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal
  • Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 16
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.2
  • Inertia: 70
  • +15 to Weapons and +5 to Engines
  • Console – Universal - Neurophasic Disruption Field
  • Experimental Weapon Slot, equipped with Alliance Hypercannon
  • "Pilot Maneuvers" Ship Mechanic
  • Starship Mastery Package (Escort)
    • Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
    • Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
    • Enhanced Weapon Systems (+Weapon Damage)
    • Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)
    • Promise of Ferocity (Starship Trait)

Admiralty Stats

  • ENG: 26
  • SCI: 26
  • TAC: 65
  • SPECIAL: -25% Maintenance per TacShip


Universal Consoles

Each of the following Consoles may be equipped in any console mod slot, but may only be used on Andorian, Lethean, and Dewan escorts.

(This includes previously-released Andorian ships!)

Console – Universal – Wing Torpedo Platforms

A starship with this console equipped is capable of deploying Wing Torpedo Platforms which will orbit your ship and fire at your targets. Wing Torpedo Platforms will regularly fire photon torpedoes at your targets. Additionally, when you activate Torpedo: Spread I, II or II your Torpedo platforms will activate Torpedo: Spread I and when you activate Torpedo: High Yield I, II or III your torpedo platforms will activate Torpedo: High Yield I.

This console also provides a passive boost to Critical Hit Chance with Projectile Weapons, and Critical Hit Severity with Projectile Weapons.

  • Wing Torpedo Platforms last 60 sec when summoned
  • Periodically fire a torpedo at your current target
  • When activating any rank of Torpedo: Spread, apply Torpedo: Spread I to Wing Torpedo Platforms
  • When activating any rank of Torpedo: High Yield, apply Torpedo: High Yield I to Wing Torpedo Platforms

Console – Universal – Gateway Trap Spawner

Among the relics of the lost Dewan civilization found on New Romulus were a number of partially-functional rudimentary attempts at reproducing the gateway technology of their Iconian masters. This console represents a refurbishment of one of those recovered attempts, and is capable of forming short-range gateways that link two locations in local space. Such short-range transportation would typically not be found useful, but it has been discovered that the travel can be damaging and debilitating if enemy vessels are forced to make the transition. As such, the technology makes a capable weapon.

This console also provides a passive boost to Scientific Readiness, and Control Expertise.

  • Creates a Gateway Trap within 2km of Foe, and Exit Gateway near your location
    • Each lasts 10sec
  • All foes within 5km of Gateway Trap are pulled, slowed, and suffer Kinetic Damage each sec
  • Foes pulled within 0.2km of Gateway Trap:
    • Teleport to Exit Gateway
    • All Subsystems Offline for 4.5sec

Console – Universal – Neurophasic Disruption Field

This technology was modeled after some of the principles found present in Lethean neurophysiology, but on a starship-sized scale. By injecting enemy subsystems with a specific blend of resonant frequencies, sentient beings can be briefly disabled via an oversaturation of sensory stimuli. When also subjected to overrides to environmental settings, this effect can debilitate enemy crews with minimal injury or loss of life. These attacks also wreak havoc on power systems in enemy vessels, causing numerous electrical overloads.

This console also provides a passive boost to Flight Speed, and Resistance to Slowing Effects.

  • Once per sec for 10 sec, affecting up to 10 foes within 5km of Targeted Foe:
    • Electrical Damage
    • Confuse for 1 sec
    • 20% chance: Disable for 1 sec

Console Set Bonus:

“Alliance Dogfighters”

Equipping multiple of the aforementioned consoles on a single ship grants additional set bonuses!

Two Pieces:  Predictive Maneuvering

  • Increased Accuracy and Flight Speed

Three Pieces:  Streamlined Circuitry

  • Reduced Recharge Time on Allied Pilot Escort Console Abilities
  • Wing Torpedo Platforms will utilize Rank II of High Yield and Spread (instead of Rank I)


Starship Traits


Painful Memories

This trait causes a psionic energy resonance within the EPS of enemy ships, when activating any Foe-affecting Engineering Bridge Officer Abilities. This is reflected by an Electrical Damage-over-Time effect that also Slows the afflicted foe's engines.

  • -50% Flight Speed
  • Electrical Damage each second (100% Shield Penetration)

Improved Gravity Well

While this trait is slotted, your Gravity Well anomalies last twice as long, and recharge much faster. Additionally, the primary foe targeted by your Gravity Well activation will have their damage resistance rating reduced for the duration of the anomaly.

  • Duration of Gravity Well increased from 20 sec to 40 sec
  • Recharge time of Gravity Well reduced by 20 sec
  • Primary Target of Gravity Well suffers -20 All Damage Resistance Rating for 40 sec

Promise of Ferocity

While this starship trait is slotted, activating Tactical or Pilot Bridge Officer Abilities will provide a bonus damage buff as long as you remain in combat, once every few seconds. This buff stacks up to 5 times, but all stacks are lost immediately upon leaving combat.

  • Per stack: +4% Bonus All Damage with Starship Weapons for duration of combat
  • Max once per 4 sec, 5 stacks maximum, all stacks lost if combat ends


Experimental Weapon

This special equipment may be upgraded like a standard weapon, swapped out for another Experimental Weapon and placed in any other starship's Experimental Weapon Slot.

Alliance Hypercannon

This weapon was developed jointly between engineering teams from the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Republic. Design disagreements led to multiple energy types vying for inclusion in the final design, and rather than scrap it when the engineers failed to agree on this aspect of the design, they worked together to allow the weapon to utilize all simultaneously. This has resulted in an amalgamated projectile that closely resembles raw radiation across multiple volatile wavelengths.

This weapon fires in a 360 degree arc and has a chance of causing the additional effects associated with each of the energy types primarily associated with the three major factions - Phaser (Subsystem Offline), Disruptor (Damage Resistance Rating Debuff), and Plasma (Damage-over-Time).

It may be upgraded like a standard weapon, swapped out for another Experimental Weapon and placed in any other starship's Experimental Weapon Slot.


Special Weapon Unlocks

Commissioning any of the ships in this bundle will unlock the ability to purchase specialized weapon sets from the Dilithium Store. Andorian Phasers, Lethean Disruptors, and Dewan Plasma weapons are each made available to the applicable faction, and each of these vessels come pre-equipped with a suite of these weapons as well.


Starship Interiors

The Andorian Kuthar, Chimesh, and Thozyn Pilot Escorts will have access to the interior available to previously-released Andorian vessels.

Dewan and Lethean vessels will make use of existing interiors available for their respective factions.


DISCLAIMER: All information in this blog post is subject to change.


Jeremy “BorticusCryptic” Randall
Cryptic Studios
Lead Systems Designer


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